Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Paul Pontious

I just can't bare looking at Paul Pontious knowing he kept all the charity money for himself and his friends, accusing Jesse of stealing the excess bingo money when he left, and here I am putting on shows for charity, with all my time and my expenses. The other day I walked into Public's, there was a lady ringing her little bell with a sign over her shoulder that said Salvation Army. Before I even got close I took out my wallet and placed a dollar in the pail and Nancy was closed behind me and she did the same. It may be a little donation but we go there very often. I'm sorry, I just can't forgive a man like Bingo Paul Pontious spending it on himself. I am glad he was not the guy that was ringing that bell. He is a educated man with a collage degree , there is no excuse for what he did. I am sad, very sad that the HOA had not removed him from Bingo. The old saying goes, once a crook always a crook. Dick Ralls who is president of our committee along with John Guenther, Rich Earl, Bab Salvin, John Chickness and I, Edmund King and others Donated money to investigate the Bingo being played here at Lake Ashton. Over $2500 plus was used to obtain all Bank Records of Bingo Paul and Bingo, all 4 of them. I would very much rather give our money to charity then to hired forensic accountant attorney's. I'm sorry, you people may love him but he has given us a very bad name to this community. And you talk about prices of homes going down, you can thank him. We have all the records of all the checks he wrote so he can't say No I didn't do that. Sorry Paul, you are in deep trouble and you know it. Is that the reason you destroyed all the Bingo records. Your wasted your time. I just can't believe you still have friends that believe in you. How long can you lie and how long will all your friends trust you. Our goal is to make Lake Ashton a honest and clean community. I just can't believe some of the dirty looks I am getting, people that believe in Paul Pontious, they have to be mentally retarded.

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