Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brazilian Steakhouse

One of the finest restaurants in Florida and one of the most expensive restaurants around. If you were one of Paul's helpers at Bingo you could bring a friend along on the charter bus to the Brazilian Stakehouse and have dinner with Paul Pointious. Paul will pay the total bill. All drinks are on the house. Where did all this money come from. Doesn't he know all good things come to an end. A few of the people I talked to are really mad because they are now involved in a criminal action suit. I am glad I am not investigating this case. So many people are involved. Can't throw everyone in the slammer. But I would think that they should have realized something was afloat. They should have said to themselves, where is all this money coming from? Dave Ross doesn't know. Please tell him.

I got it! Bingo and 50/50 and the US government. ( he never paid taxes)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Why did the HOA ..BOD remove PAUL PONTIOUS from the head of BINGO committee ?? If he did NOTHING WRONG, why did the HOA Attorney have the Board remove him ?

Paul says he did not Shred any records, yet an Email from Dave Ross HOA president to him STATES.....quote " PAUL YOU TOLD ME YOU SHREDDED THE RECORDS " ????????

Now who is not telling us....The Residents whose money it is...NOT the HOA's money. Were the records shredded or not ?? SIMPLE...the TRUTH ??

This is a matter than can be resolved. Why is not ? Too many people covering up.... THE TRUTH...

From those of us who care.... and will not stop until that happens...

Committee for LA Residents.