Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama Bingo game

NOW ED....Here is a BINGO GAME , everyone would/should  play.....FREE TOO....

This is pretty cool.................

Try it the next time you hear the President speak . . . it will keep you awake!

Please follow the rules before watching. I used to avoid listening to his speeches. Now, I look forward to the next one.

Here is something to help make Obama's speeches almost tolerable. Just print out this page, distribute it to friends, and listen. (be sure to read directions at the bottom)

Obama Bingo.jpg

Rules for Bullshit Bingo: 
1. Before Barrack Obama's next televised speech, print your "Bullshit Bingo"
2. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.
3. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"

     Courtesy of Lake Ashton Ad Hoc Committee. 

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