Friday, December 24, 2010


It has come to my attention that every lair on the HOA and the CDD BOD are good friends with our dictator Joe Hunter. With this in mind, it tells me we are living in a corrupt community with dishonest BOD telling us how to live our lives. Paul Pontious took out so many residents to dinner that he bought the elections with the residents Bingo money. How dumb can you get? I just can't believe that this could happen here at Lake Ashton and nobody gives a shit. Thousands of dollars were stolen from Bingo players and used to buy the elections and to please everyone to vote for my wife. Now we have Husbands and wifes running our community. I want to know how many times our dictator was taken out to dinner by the lairs. Make no bones about it, no one here at Lake Ashton gives a shit. If you want to live in a crooked community, you have your wish. There are many of us that don't want too, but we have no choice because of you. Cops are called at the Poker games, Cops are called because of my blog, Pamphlets are mailed to residents dis-facing the candidates. Candidates signs are written on. Elected Vote for me signs are displayed all over the Clubhouse grounds on voting day and no one said a word. What a bunch of cowards. I give up. No one sees the picture. And we still have Bingo Paul still having a Bingo account open when Dave Ross says all accounts were turn over to the HOA. KISS MY ___


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you, also! Don't let the spirit of goodwill to men get in YOUR way. On the eve a blessed day, may you come to see the good in mankind.

Anonymous said...

MR King.... ( THEY ) do see and know the TRUTH.

THEY would rather not speak up, for fear of losing their friendships.

They should be forced to visit CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS who should have benefited from their, DINNERS, SHIRTS, TURKEYS, HALF OFF GAMES, FREE CONCESSION STAND PRODUCTS.

LET them tell those they stole have a


Residents for the TRUTH....