Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anonymous said...

IF ( NOTE I say IF ) the posted letter by Mr Ralls Esq. is at all TRUE, how could Mr Pontious NOT file a complaint against MR RALLS ??

This community should be up in arms. Either the accusations are TRUE OR FALSE. There can be no other response. How could the Lake Ashton Residents insist on the TRUTH ??

IF they are TRUE ....Mr Pontious and all those engaged in illegal activities, such as using funds that should have been given to Charity ...used for his personal use or the use of his BINGO Buddies ...then they should all be charged with being accessories to the crime. ( STEALING )

IF they are NOT TRUE....Mr Pontious should respond to MR RALLS or this Blog. If he in fact can justify his actions, lets all get on with our lives and a better new year. One way or another.


Pete P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Ralls is an Esq in what state does he hold a license to practice law?