Sunday, November 7, 2010

Joe " Do Nothing" Hunter

Joe Hunter is stealing our money from this Lake Ashton Community and using it to managed Vienna Square. You heard it right. Also Tricia Adams travels there also. Why are they going to Vienna Square using our money? Joe is a crook, he was told not to go there by the CDD and still travels there with Tricia. He has a office in Vienna Square and an office here, how many offices does he have? This place is run by crooks controlled by the new CDD and they are not going to say anything. Jeff Salvin has no power now because of the elections, and has nothing to say in this matter. The three foxes was always in the back pocket of the developer along with Margo Stevens. This community is now controlled by the CDD and the crooked management. Our goal was to hired a new management and replaced the old one and save this community over $200,000. That is way the foxes were allowed to place there signs all over this this community. Joe was scare he might lose his job. He allowed the signs to be placed and this is a violation of the covenants . Give Joe a call here at 863-324-5457, if he is not there call the other place Vienna Square and he calls my Web Site a violation. Joe get an education.


Anonymous said...

My husband and I visited Lake Ashton last year and were impressed with the amenities, the condition of the development and the people. We are retiring this year and were considering moving to Lake Ashton. We came across this website and although we understand it is a website not associated with Lake Ashton it is however a resident website.

We read the website and noted the following:
The developer is suspect in his treating of the residents. The Community Director does nothing and is corrupt. The HOA and its leader sides with the developer. The CDD now has three corrupt foxes. Bingo is corrupt and people are going to jail. Numerous residents have been identified and critized.

My questions are this, is there anything positive about Lake Ashton? In addition, why would a resident website constantly bad mouth the place where they live. I would think this negative narrative would disuade people from moving in and further decrease property values in Lake Ashton.

Please respond so we can make an informed discision. Thank you.

Marge from Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

The signs you make reference to were placed on church property. Do your homework or are you afraid the facts will interfer with your charges.