Monday, April 20, 2009


There are 10 forecloses in Lake Ashton which means that someone must pay the taxes, CDD fees, MX, Lawn care, and maintenance. It all comes down to this. The residents of Lake Ashton must pay these fees. The banks are in no way obligated to pay the MX, Lawn care, CDD and Maintenance Fees. These fees will be added to your upcoming cost of fees. The bank in the meantime in addition to the HOA will place their lean on this property. Yes your maintainace cost are going up big time.

The bank and the HOA will place a lean on this property but most of the time banks must pay the lean. Buyers will always pay a lower price than the balance of the home. This is why banks are in big trouble and residents are required to pay the additional cost of fees.

The sales office should tell the people all the cost and fees of buying these home, but they do not. Joe Hunter don't care. After you buy the home you are in for a big surprise.

I might add that the water has been shut off by the city so now the lawn will turn brown and die. The HOA will be looking into this I hope. More fees for the residents.

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