Sunday, May 18, 2008

Asking Tricia Adams to published KKK Blog

I am asking Tricia Adams to published the fact that the Veterans Club invited the KKK Grand Dragon John Paul Rogers to be guest speaker at their Club here at Lake Ashton. A person who at one time hated the blacks but now he has change for the good. Do you think she will published it in the L. A. Times. I won't hold my breath, this is Paradise. I E-Mail the Blog as shown below to Tricia Adams @


Anonymous said...

Tricia has more brains in her little finger that you have wherever you are carrying whatever few brains you have in you body. I would encourage you to sit down gradually so you don't injure the brains you have been given.
Incidently, I heard that doctors tested ED's brain and decided it was work millions of dollars as it had never been used and was exceptionaly small and as smooth as a billiard ball.

Anonymous said...

It has been nice conversing with you Ed. You can expect me to return to speak with you again soon. Please try to eliminate the Bull S____ from yous site as my computer screen keeps trying to grow bigger.
Sent to you in deepest respect from someone who knows just how big a DOOFUS you really are.