Bank in April, 2006 I ran for the HOA against Jake Eaton, Bill Gabler, Paul Pontious, Sonny Robinson and Keith Stevens. Little did I Know I was running against the biggest lairs and do nothings in this community. Jake Eaton " I'll look into it". Bill Gabler "I'll help you out". Sonny Robinson "Screw you" Paul Pontious "I am going to get rid of Jesse Ames and take over Bingo, steal some of the money and take all my buddies and everyone out to lunch. Catch me if you can. Keith Stevens " let me ask Larry Maxwell" Well you know the rest of the story, I lost the election. Why, because I was too honest and I told the people straight out that I am going to stop the ban on pick up trucks here at Lake Ashton. All the other guys wanted it. Well you know the rest of the story, I won this issue, they lost.
I am now running for the CDD. I want your vote so I can get rid of the corruption here in this community. Get rid of Paul Pontions and his outlaw gang and Jake Eaton. These guys are the source of all the troubles and what has he done. NOTHING, NOTHING, ABSOLUTE NOTHING. ZERO