MAKING LAKE ASHTON A BETTER AND HONEST COMMUNITY TO LIVE AT RETIREMENT This is a free Service provided to all residents. Feel free to provide a comment or correction on any article. Send all E-Mails to and YOUR REMARK OR OPINION will be posted. If an individual is named in your post, it must be signed. All bold wording below the comment is the publisher opinion. These are the stories they don't want you to read. See also disclaimer in right column below.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Why is it that the only information you get is the L A Times? Their blog banned you for posting any info on anything yet we pay for their blog. The management wants you to know nothing. They have total control over you and tell you what they want you to hear. We pay for their MX even if we are not here, Can't shut it off. You are stuck with it has long as you live and beyond. Why do we have to have two attorneys at the CDD meeting, each costing us $1,000 each or $2.000 or more @ $200/hr.. ? I just don't get it.