Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A vote for Cruz, Jo Fuller and John Chickness is a...":

Vote for John Chickness. A vote for John is also a vote for the Salvin, Earl, Ralls. and King, Nobody gives more to the community then this group. Lets get on board.


Anonymous said...

Right! Your assessments have gone up every year for the last four out of five years, EXCEPT the year Salvin was chairman of the CDD. Vote for the group that "gives" and you'll be giving plenty alright.

Anonymous said...

I agree lets support Chickness, Fuller, Salvins,Rick Earl and Dick Rawls. Lets all wish Dick a Happy Birthday.We can all celebrate tonignt at the Health Center. Remember these are the people that care for all of us at Lake Ashton. If we are sucessfull we can return Jeff to the chairperson role.