Monday, January 4, 2010


If you think the management loves you, you better think again. Your going to have to hired a attorney against the Developer, HOA has one against the developer, The CDD has two against the developer and I would think that everyone who has Chinese drywall has one also against the developer. Yes we live in a community that the management doesn't give a shit about you. Prove me wrong! I believe his phone is off the hook. The management rents the restaurant and all the money goes in his pocket, also the Monday morning coffee money. Only a fool would have dinner there when he doesn't help us out.

Attorneys are taken all our money and given us no results, No money is going into Lake Ashton to help us residents. Prove me wrong! I have lost count on how many Lawyers are fighting the management, Thus far the total is 3 plus all the home owners that have Chinese drywall in their home and have gotten no reply from the management, leaving them no choice but to hired a lawyer or lawyers.

I might add that he kept our down payment of $10,000 on a RV home and we never got it back.

He build the bowling alley with second hand or used parts, now we are in knew deep in repair bills. May cost up to $250,000 to repair.

Don't support the developer, stay away from the restaurant and the coffee at the Monday morning meetings. If you wish to add to this artical please post to

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