Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wake up Lake Ashton

Words like "neighborly" and "community spirit" have been replaced with "fining committee" and "enforcement." While in former times neighbors brought chicken soup to neighbors in need, they now serve lawsuits, liens and foreclosures. All under the pretense of "protecting property values" -- one of the biggest fairy tales ever told to homeowners. Truthfully, the only thing that these associations really protect is the income of service providers, such as attorneys and community association managers.

This website is an attempt to help owners living in Florida's mandatory associations to find their way through the maze of rules, regulations and statutes that are often so complicated that even specialized attorneys have a hard time finding the "right" interpretation.

This is an attempt to help owners understand what they are really facing and that the excuse "I don't want to get involved" is plainly ridiculous. All owners got involved the minute they bought their homes or condos, even if they may not have realized it at that time.

Owners desperately need more owner-friendly laws with enforcement and accountability of the people in charge to protect our financial welfare against financial mismanagement, uncontrolled spending, and even clear embezzlement!

The AARP introduced a model statute that would definitely create big steps in the right direction. Please see: AARP BILL of RIGHTS for HOMEOWNERS in ASSOCIATIONS
But as long as our legislators wear blinders and would rather protect the welfare of special interests than that of their constituents, we have to help each other with education and information.

This website is an attempt to provide much-needed information, but it only works if we help each other. Join our efforts and help us to help each other.



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