Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mr "Do Nothing" Joe Hunter

Joe Hunter is on my back again. He is telling me that if you are not a member of the Golf Club and if you walk on their golf grass YOU ARE TRESPASSING, and if you are not a renter at the over price storage facility, YOU ARE TRESPASSING. He told me to get done has to what I am doing and get out of the storage facility. And you say this is Paradise, everyone is friendly. You are 100% wrong, Joe Hunter hates me for a passion and I have no love for him. He has a stupid smile on his faced that would scare a cat. He is making this community a institution not a community. Joe Hunter must be fired and send back home where he belongs. Get out of here Joe, you don't do nothing and you are a headache. If you had a run in with Joe Hunter please let me know at

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