Thursday, February 19, 2009



February 18, 2009
Dear Governor Charlie Crist, Dear Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp, Dear Senators, Dear State Representatives, Friends and Members,

Community Associations turn more and more into dictatorial financial traps for owners, caused by the lack of efficient legislation and enforcement of our laws. Some Florida legislators should be ashamed for sponsoring bills to even promote dictatorships and help to squash owners' constitutional rights. Property rights -- long gone in community associations! The stupid excuse: "You signed a contract" is about as ridiculous as it comes: Did the deed-restrictions or bylaws you initialed at time of purchase say that you have to pay attorney's fees for a violation letter written by a lawyer -- no matter if the alleged violation turns up to be bogus?
Read here about the latest legal scam, introduced after 2004, when the law (Senator Atwater's HOA bill S 1184) stopped the abusive method of collecting fines through liens and foreclosures. Hidden in some of this year's bills the attorney lobbying groups are trying to reintroduce it. Methods of a Banana Republic! Now they even want to remove board members for unpaid fines. Meaning: Majority board members fine a board member -- no proof necessary -- and can officially remove him/her if the "fine" isn't paid! I call it BLACKMAIL: Either you pay the unjust fine or you are no longer a board member! Another obvious attempt to squash free speech in community associations.
I can understand the attorneys' position: GREED -- but I will never understand the legislators supporting this!

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