Monday, January 5, 2009


Bernie Madoff made off with the scam of the century,the poniz scam, moving money from one group of investers to another group of investers. 50 Billion dollars gone. Many investors lost all of their money, millions, all of their retirement money gone. They just won't believe Madoff would do such a thing. He looked like such a nice guy. He took from families, from charities, from investors. Why, because he is like people at Lake Ashton that feel it just doesn't happen here. Guess again. It could happen. You tell me why the developer refuses to release all of Lake Ashton records. Money is being spend on his golf course and also on the community clubhouse. The question is who is paying for what? Many Lake Ashton's believe so what, they just don't care. All I am asking the developer to do is, please turn the records over to us, its the law.

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