Saturday, July 12, 2008

Golf ball breaks window

Again, another Golfer breaks a window and thinks his home insurance will pay for damages. Guess again, they won't and Joe Hunter does nothing. We need a pot full on money by Golfers to be put aside for such a occasion. But Joe Hunter refuses to pay attention. What is he getting paid for? Please tell me so I can write it up. I don't thing its going to be much of a big story. NOTHING. This happen to residents at 4484 Turnberry Lane Saturday morning while driving their car thru the main gate. The Golfer was caught red handed and he said he would pay.


Anonymous said...

Ed: You had better re-check your information. 4484 Turnberry is one of those small Marbella model homes, all in a row, that back up to Thompson Nursery Road. No way could that house have had a broken window from one of our L.A. golfers. What's the deal?

Unknown said...

Read the Post, dummy They were in the car