Sunday, January 8, 2012


As you might know she is now the community director with no experience what so ever.  Now she is on my back because she review the tapes and saw me in the library with my card along with 500 other cards.   Yes, there is live video in every room.  She is just like Joe Hunter who said to me how in hell did she get the job?  You know how.  On the last CDD meeting she was sitting next to George Flint.  George Flint the employee of our dishonest developer, yes the guy who stole all the stuff animals  from the billiard room, declared bankruptcy, tried to borrow money and it turn out to be a scam costing him $80,000 or more.    Trish is related to Larry Maxwell, now you know the rest of the story.  Trish marriage is on shaky grounds, on again off again.
In the LA Times she writes as follows:   Please note rules for her friends and rules for residents.