MAKING LAKE ASHTON A BETTER AND HONEST COMMUNITY TO LIVE AT RETIREMENT This is a free Service provided to all residents. Feel free to provide a comment or correction on any article. Send all E-Mails to and YOUR REMARK OR OPINION will be posted. If an individual is named in your post, it must be signed. All bold wording below the comment is the publisher opinion. These are the stories they don't want you to read. See also disclaimer in right column below.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Joe Hunter is a damn lair
When I was in Nassau last month, I saw a lady get hit by a car, so she says to the police officer. I saw the whole thing directly in front of me. This lady quickly turn as she was walking in the road to her right. The taxi driver did not see her in time and she was hit lightly and fell to the ground. She screams out loud, I got ran over by the taxi. This was a lie. Never did she get ran over by the taxi. When she fell, she sprain her ankle. She kept shouting to the people around her that she got ran over by the taxi. I went to the officer and told them the whole story of what I saw. I did not want the taxi driver to lose her license. This lady sounds like Joe Hunter, nothing but a lair.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Jan Carpenter believes in Joe Hunter, the saint. the guy that walks on water.
I will lay it on the line that Joe Hunter is a SOB of a lair. He accuse me of placing my card on the golf carts three times which I never did. The third time I was in Maine on that date. How can these SOB sleep at night? I want to know who told Joe Hunter that I put my card on golf cards? I can think of none another then the big lair Paul Pontious. The two of them are great friends and are both lairs. Also Joe Hunter accused me of taken water from the pond next to my house. He said he saw me along with all the CDD members. What a SOB of a lair, I have his letter to prove it. He saw me and they saw me and never said nothing while I was taking it? This place with Jan Carpenter and Joe Hunter are sure given this community a very bad name. All they do is lie and lie. All I got to say is at least I can sleep at night. Do you think Jan Carpenter cares if one is not telling the truth? If they are employed by Larry Maxwell then what ever they say is the truth. All they like to do is scare the residents out of their pants. This note is being send to Ms Carpenter and Mr Flint. I expect a answer from both of you ASAP. Folks, I will keep you up to date.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely!
Subject: Picture of Obama and his Ex > 2.0: The Blogmocracy
What a low life, and to think he is our president.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The US vehicular driving manual states that the average driver's reaction time is 0.75 seconds, or 1 car-length for every 10 mph.Test your own average reaction time.
Be very careful, though ... this can be very addictive!Click on the link below, and then see if you can beat your own score on the 2nd go-'round!
Chilling Letter from Proctor & Gamble to Obama Who would have thought, and yet many are thinking it.

By Lou Pritchett, Procter & Gamble
Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America 's true living legends- an
Acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest
Rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize
Him as the foremost leader in change management.. Lou changed the way
America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to
Be known as "partnering."
By Lou Pritchett, Procter & Gamble
Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America 's true living legends- an
Acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest
Rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize
Him as the foremost leader in change management.. Lou changed the way
America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to
Be known as "partnering."
Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years; made corporate history.
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike
Any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive
Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no
Visible signs of support.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
Growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus
Don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned
Yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to
Publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail..
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America '
Crowd and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style
Country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
With a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly
Capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose
That lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
Living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics
Against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
Challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
Opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
Omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
You do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
Limbaugh's, Hannitys, O'Reillys and Becks who offer opposing,
Conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
Probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike
Any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive
Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no
Visible signs of support.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
Growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus
Don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned
Yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to
Publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail..
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America '
Crowd and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style
Country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
With a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly
Capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose
That lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
Living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics
Against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
Challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
Opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
Omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
You do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
Limbaugh's, Hannitys, O'Reillys and Becks who offer opposing,
Conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
Probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it.
Big surprise. Since it hit the Internet, however, it has had over
500,000 hits. Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for
Big surprise. Since it hit the Internet, however, it has had over
500,000 hits. Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for
good men do nothing.. It's happening right now.
The CHANGE is here!! 90% of Americans will forward this. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!
Trish Adams, Larry Maxwell relation, reads this blog every morning, what is she looking for flowers?
I will lay it all on the line. She allowed Paul Pontious to write a full page of crap in the L A Times. She tells everyone it is to be 150 words or less, or less than 1/4 page. Yet when Jeff Salvin, CDD active member pass away, not one word was ever said in the L A Times. I guess Paul Pontious was more important. This woman is sick and not only that she wears a low cut shirt at the shows. She is as sick as they get. Why in hell does people go to the coffee meeting on Monday to hear her talk about nothing and always has paid vendors. Wake up residents, what the hell is wrong with you! This woman is sick. I have free coffee and doughnuts at my meeting.
Wake Up residents
I tried to tell the residents about all the problems but most of them are brain dead. They look at all the bait, palm trees, pretty club house, beautiful grounds but all of them are being taken by the developer good. They can't tell the difference.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
High Management fees
Mr King...
While you are at it....Ask those who love ...Maxwell and much ( THEIR ) management company charged LA CDD for Management fees ?
Why would those fees now, not be reduced Since they have been dumped ?
Why would we not get competitve bids for a new management company ?
They...Max and Mark...are still screwing the CDD 2 ...west for all the same amounts... Jessie and Frank James were less crooks than them...
Open the books...look at the budgets will become clear.
William ...from the west....ESQ...
While you are at it....Ask those who love ...Maxwell and much ( THEIR ) management company charged LA CDD for Management fees ?
Why would those fees now, not be reduced Since they have been dumped ?
Why would we not get competitve bids for a new management company ?
They...Max and Mark...are still screwing the CDD 2 ...west for all the same amounts... Jessie and Frank James were less crooks than them...
Open the books...look at the budgets will become clear.
William ...from the west....ESQ...
Missing Money
Mr King...
The high cost of landscape money in
the past was due to the company doing
the landscape maintenance was owned
by none other than Larry Maxwell
and our good friend Mark Schriber.
Ask those who live in HIS community
TOWER LAKES.....they are also
filing Chapter 11 there as well.
Big Billy
The high cost of landscape money in
the past was due to the company doing
the landscape maintenance was owned
by none other than Larry Maxwell
and our good friend Mark Schriber.
Ask those who live in HIS community
TOWER LAKES.....they are also
filing Chapter 11 there as well.
Big Billy
Ban for 4 months
What would happen if I walk into the clubhouse and waved to Trish Adams? Is she going to call the cops? They would asked her what did he do? She must be honest which is pretty hard for her to do, she would say he left his Making this community a better community card in the library with 500 hundred others. The police well think she is nuts. I agree!
Lakeashton Wikileaks blog
I was told I should rename by blog to lakeashton Wikileaks blog because I was sentence to 4 months. How true it is! Yes, I release classified information. 4 months of house arrest, ban from the clubhouse.
Lets show them we mean business.
Trish Adams, Larry Maxwell relation, reads this blog every morning, what is she looking for flowers?
The trouble with older people is they lose their minds and are unable to understand what is going on in here. Yes we are in a concentration camp under the dictatorship of the Maxwell family. Yes Trish Adams, your ban on me is backfiring. I am making this a better community what are you doing? Go back to Bok Towers
The problem is change requires many people , not just a few.....Lake Ashton has just a few !
Audry and I love Lake Ashton, we will celebrate being the first resident here starting 10 years ago in March 2002.
We enjoy many things here. We love the weather and the winding down of our retirement years here.
Best wishes on your continued battle to make changes. The battle is a tough one .... I KNOW !
John L Chickness Sr
Lake Ashtion is in the hands of a dictator
We have the MX cost which is force upon us by the developer. Golf that is unfair to the residents of this community, $40.00 for outsiders and $100.00 for residents to play golf. This makes no sense. No sidewalks for senior citizens of this community to safely walk on. You must walk in the road and you have this guy building a senior community with no sidewalks. He build roads on swamp land and now you have sink holes and raise manhole covers. You have public roads, not private roads has we were told when we moved in. We have driveways that are too short to park your car in without the rear of your car out in the road. Anything to save the developer money. Than you have him coming in our clubhouse stealing the animal heads from the billiard room. He even belly up his building business because he thought he was going to get sue because of Chinese drywall. Now he has Trisha Adams, relative in marriage in complete control of this community has the community director. They now want me to shut up by banning me for 4 months from the clubhouse. They don't want anyone to know what is going on in here.
Reply from a news reporter
I guess you know what I think about Larry Maxwell.
These kind of problems takes lots of owners to solve. Apathy of the owners always helps the bad guys.
Only united you can fight dictatorships!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Ban from the clubhouse for 4 months
Thank-you for your response. They don’t like my blog called telling the residents of Lake Wales what is really going on in here at Lake Ashton. There are well over 500 business cards in the library so I left mine with all the others. The only problem is that they don’t like me and my Blog telling the residents what is going on in here. They also accuse me of placing my business car on the golf carts outside in the parking lot. They are crazy. I was out of state in Maine when this happen.
Another time the police came over knocking on my door looking for my AK-47. I told them you must be crazy anyhow please be free to look around. They found no AK-47.
When Paul Pontious took over Bingo from Jesse Helms, Jesse came him all the money he had approx $11.000. Paul took the money and it is now missing. Paul kept tens of thousands of dollars from the Bingo players and took all his Bingo helpers to the Brazilian restaurants by bus. Also all Bingo players got 50% off their Bingo cards. He also went out to dinner many, many times with hi friends and paid the bill with Bingo money. Never gave a red cent to a public charity, never paid his state and federal tax. He had a illegal 50/50. Also he filled his gas tank and also bought food with Bingo money We hired a Attorney and he was able to get copies of all FIVE bank accounts of Bingo. Yes, money is missing.
Bingo Paul was able to write a full page in the Lake Ashton Times when it clearly stated only 150 words or less. Trish Adams is in charge of the LA Times. Its who you know.
Also the Management, CDD are keeping out refund tax money $190,000.00 and this money belongs to the residents of Lake Ashton. Not them. The Club house is a meeting place and it should not be taxed.
I have done a lot for this community including the ban of herbicides being sprayed in Lake Ashton. They did not like this. They wanted to kill the weeds. Also when it rains the banks would fall into the stream that feeds Lake Ashton and make the lake muddy. I called the state and they had to plant bushes and trees around the banks.
I wanted to give a charity show and give all the profit to Give Kids The World like I done a few years ago when I had the Elvis show, and gave $1,500.00. To give kids the world. They said you must pay for the hall, $750.00. I said this is a non profit charity show, no luck. They refuse my article on the Elvis Show.
The management and the CDD gets 50% off their meals at the restaurant, we the residents pay the rest. This is sick, why should they get 50% off their meals?
Trish Adams is now in total control of this community, she is related to the developer Larry Maxwell by marriage. And as I understand they are a ruthless group of people that are very hard to deal with.
Out maintenance fees are now reaching $1,900.00 from $800 ten years ago. We have more homes, approx 1,000 and we still have to pay more. This makes no sense. We still have the same old clubhouse.
This community use to have a place for everyone to post our problems called Run by June Young and paid by us. They decided to shut us off their web site and now the residents can no longer post their problems.
We have a thing called MX. We have to pay the management for cable and ADT even if we don’t want it.
$72.00 a month. Many of us go north in the winter so we don’t use it. It is a waste of money. That we are being force to pay.
I can go on and on with mountains of doings here at Lake Ashton. I have all the papers to back up all my stories. Over 1,000 sheets and still growing.
Another time the police came over knocking on my door looking for my AK-47. I told them you must be crazy anyhow please be free to look around. They found no AK-47.
When Paul Pontious took over Bingo from Jesse Helms, Jesse came him all the money he had approx $11.000. Paul took the money and it is now missing. Paul kept tens of thousands of dollars from the Bingo players and took all his Bingo helpers to the Brazilian restaurants by bus. Also all Bingo players got 50% off their Bingo cards. He also went out to dinner many, many times with hi friends and paid the bill with Bingo money. Never gave a red cent to a public charity, never paid his state and federal tax. He had a illegal 50/50. Also he filled his gas tank and also bought food with Bingo money We hired a Attorney and he was able to get copies of all FIVE bank accounts of Bingo. Yes, money is missing.
Bingo Paul was able to write a full page in the Lake Ashton Times when it clearly stated only 150 words or less. Trish Adams is in charge of the LA Times. Its who you know.
Also the Management, CDD are keeping out refund tax money $190,000.00 and this money belongs to the residents of Lake Ashton. Not them. The Club house is a meeting place and it should not be taxed.
I have done a lot for this community including the ban of herbicides being sprayed in Lake Ashton. They did not like this. They wanted to kill the weeds. Also when it rains the banks would fall into the stream that feeds Lake Ashton and make the lake muddy. I called the state and they had to plant bushes and trees around the banks.
I wanted to give a charity show and give all the profit to Give Kids The World like I done a few years ago when I had the Elvis show, and gave $1,500.00. To give kids the world. They said you must pay for the hall, $750.00. I said this is a non profit charity show, no luck. They refuse my article on the Elvis Show.
The management and the CDD gets 50% off their meals at the restaurant, we the residents pay the rest. This is sick, why should they get 50% off their meals?
Trish Adams is now in total control of this community, she is related to the developer Larry Maxwell by marriage. And as I understand they are a ruthless group of people that are very hard to deal with.
Out maintenance fees are now reaching $1,900.00 from $800 ten years ago. We have more homes, approx 1,000 and we still have to pay more. This makes no sense. We still have the same old clubhouse.
This community use to have a place for everyone to post our problems called Run by June Young and paid by us. They decided to shut us off their web site and now the residents can no longer post their problems.
We have a thing called MX. We have to pay the management for cable and ADT even if we don’t want it.
$72.00 a month. Many of us go north in the winter so we don’t use it. It is a waste of money. That we are being force to pay.
I can go on and on with mountains of doings here at Lake Ashton. I have all the papers to back up all my stories. Over 1,000 sheets and still growing.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Ban from the Club House
I guess I have not done enough. I was able to get Bay news here and the Ledger to give us the right to have our pick-up trucks parked in our driveway. I stop the spraying of Herbicides in Lake Ashton by the state. No fun eating fish fill with herbicides. I had Lake Ashton improved the banks to streams that was leading into Lake Ashton. Every time it rain the banks would collapse into a wall of mud. They had to plant bushes and trees to prevent the mud from going into Lake Ashton. I got the Elvis Show here and gave all the profit to Give Kids the world. I even had Elvis preform at give kids the world. What have you done? And this SOB had me ban from the Lake Ashton club house because I left my card in the library with 500 others. They make no sense at all. They are absolute idiots What they want is a concentration camp run by Trish Adams and the entire CDD board.
This is my business card
This is the card that got me suspended for 4 months. Do you see anything wrong with this card? Ask Trish Adams Like I said, this place is a concentration camp. run by Trish Adams and the management.
Trish Adams telling everyone, articles cannot exceed 150 words
She allowed Paul Pontious to write a full page article on his Bingo game telling everyone where the money is going, this my friends a a big joke. yet we are only allow 150 words or less, what a hell of a lair she is. How can residents allow this to happen? Wake up residents! She owns this community, Community Director witch, what a joke. Go back to Bok Towers.
Trish Adams had me ban for using the clubhouse for four months. What a witch. Because I left my card with 500 others, that says making this a better community to live. What should I say????? Here she is a relation to Larry Maxwell, the developer calling all the shots. She runs this community like a concentration camp, loves to pick on senior citizens, and doesn't allow residents to put on charity shows to help the sick. She is as sick as anyone can be. BAN THE MONDAY MORNING COFFEE. She and the CDD gets 50% off on all their meals and we pay the rest. We got screwed again folks. BAN MONDAY MORNING COFFEE. All she has are paid advertisers telling you to buy their goods.
Trish Adams had me ban for using the clubhouse for four months. What a witch. Because I left my card with 500 others, that says making this a better community to live. What should I say????? Here she is a relation to Larry Maxwell, the developer calling all the shots. She runs this community like a concentration camp, loves to pick on senior citizens, and doesn't allow residents to put on charity shows to help the sick. She is as sick as anyone can be. BAN THE MONDAY MORNING COFFEE. She and the CDD gets 50% off on all their meals and we pay the rest. We got screwed again folks. BAN MONDAY MORNING COFFEE. All she has are paid advertisers telling you to buy their goods.
Bingo Paul Pontious has done it again
Went to a car dealer and bought a new car with C A S H. Yes he bought a new car with cash. Seems like the Bingo players are behind this deal. Thanks Players says Bingo Paul
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