Lake Ashton is being recognized as a top contender and a official finalist for the Communities of Excellence awards, Civic Volunteerism and Advocacy and Safety & Security Initiatives.
You got to be kidding, who have these people been talking to? The dishonest Management who goes around accusing residents of anything they want? We have no one to talk to. And no place to post our grievances. They only tell us what they want us to hear but we can’t tell them. Sounds like a communist country.
This is a 50 plus community yet, there are no sidewalks, you got to walk in the road.
Talking about roads, there are more sink holes in the roads than you have fingers on your hand.
We are now paying to repair the roads. The roads are cracking up and falling apart because they were build on muddy soil and swamp land. The developer has refuse to repair them.
If you are a resident golfer, you must pay $100.00 and you friend will only pay $40.00 because he is not a resident. Makes no sense at all.
Storage fee’s are out of sight $50.00/mo plus tax to park your boat or trailer in their parking lot..
We are force to pay a MX fee for cable and ADT of $72.00/mo. With no HD cable or internet service.
The clubhouse is now a public building, no taxes are paid on it, yet they ban me for 4 months because of my blog. They just don’t want the truth to come out.
The developer went into the billiards room and took all the animal heads off the wall and left us with a large repair bill. Now we need to replace the wallpaper because of the outline of the heads on the wall.
He build a bowing alley using second hand or used parts. This fell apart after a few years. He also build it on wet ground and the dampness destroyed the parts. Cost us a great deal of money, over $100,000.00.
We have Bingo every Monday night not knowing the extra money was going into the pocket of the person who was running it Thousands of dollars was spend taking all his friends by bus to high price restaurants. Filling up his gas tank, buying food for his home and they don’t do say or do nothing.
The Community Director has now been replaced by a relation to the developer. We are still under the control of the developer.
Trish Adams has complete control over the LA Times and no story will ever be posted that is a treat to this community, for example, house and car break ins will never be told.
The management and the CDD gets 50% off their meals at the clubhouse restaurant. That restaurant is now closed.
After I expose Bingo of not paying state , Federal taxes and not given money to Public charity he went around the back of my house and the front of my house, outside the clubhouse and inside the clubhouse and called me a idiot as loud as he could.. I notify management and they did nothing. Reason, he was taking the management out to dinner.
We received our taxes ($190,000) back from the city of Lake Wales. This money was never given back to us but is still in the hands of the management. Some residents have sold their homes and will never get their refund money back. It now makes 2 years.
If a resident wants to use the clubhouse they have to pay $375.00 even thou they pay their maintenance fee of $1900.00 every year. What are they using this money for? If you use the club house for charity, you still have to pay the $375 because they are to cheap to give to charity just like Bingo with Paul Pontious. Trish Adams must be fired. She does nor respect the residents of this community and she is a relation to the developer and now she is on the CDD board of idiots.
MAKING LAKE ASHTON A BETTER AND HONEST COMMUNITY TO LIVE AT RETIREMENT This is a free Service provided to all residents. Feel free to provide a comment or correction on any article. Send all E-Mails to and YOUR REMARK OR OPINION will be posted. If an individual is named in your post, it must be signed. All bold wording below the comment is the publisher opinion. These are the stories they don't want you to read. See also disclaimer in right column below.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Absolutely amazing....
Subject: Fwd: Shadowland
the seven-hour terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11,
2012, that saw U.S ambassador Chris Stevens sodomized and murdered,
President Obama did not intervene -- despite the fact that State
Department officials were aware of what was taking place and were
watching the assault on our consulate in real time!
Even worse, the very next day, Obama jetted off to a fund-raising event without adequately addressing and properly managing the crisis!
In the subsequent weeks, the American people have listened to the deceptions, misleadings and outright lies of this administration. While the President and others in his administration do their best to try to limit the damage, there's one thing they can't ignore ... FOUR AMERICANS ARE DEAD.
Many are calling this cover-up worse than Watergate and are appealing to House and Senate leadership to compel the Obama administration to fully disclose what they knew and when they knew it.
Even worse, the very next day, Obama jetted off to a fund-raising event without adequately addressing and properly managing the crisis!
In the subsequent weeks, the American people have listened to the deceptions, misleadings and outright lies of this administration. While the President and others in his administration do their best to try to limit the damage, there's one thing they can't ignore ... FOUR AMERICANS ARE DEAD.
Many are calling this cover-up worse than Watergate and are appealing to House and Senate leadership to compel the Obama administration to fully disclose what they knew and when they knew it.
Victims of the Nov. 2009 Ft. Hood shooting are being denied benefits commensurate with combat injuries because the Obama administration refuses to label the attack an act of terrorism.
Instead, the shooting Maj. Nidal Hasan carried out after screaming "Allahu Akbar" it is still being labeled "workplace violence." The difference between labeling the incident "workplace violence" and "terrorism" is not only the rightful recognition 13 of our troops deserve for being killed in service to their country on Nov. 5, 2009, but also ongoing benefits that would help survivors pay for the physical therapy, and other medical and psychological treatments that might be necessary to a full recovery.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has openly stated that the shooting, which took place in his state, was an act of terrorism and that the president such recognize it as such. He said, "President Obama's refusal to call it an act of terror is a shining example of this administration's devotion to political correctness over the defense of our men and women in uniform."
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
This should be passed around to everyone you know on the internet.
This one MUST be passed around to all----seriously---LISTEN and watch---especially what she says at the end---so very true-----if you don’t look at anything else LOOK at this!!! And by all means DO PASS IT ON---because the liberal media and those “Nutballs” in Hollywood are doing all they can to suppress the Truth and use their money & means to spread lies and put their own spin on things----Obama had his 4 years---he did an abysmal job----now it’s someone else's turn to TRY to right the ship---if Obama gets in again know you are sailing on the Titanic----and you can take that to the Bank---because you sure won’t have money to put in there!!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Where to put #44
Where, oh where -- to put Obama's picture.
George Washington, our nation's first president and leader of the American Revolution!
Abe Lincoln, honorable leader who pulled our nation through its darkest time!
Alexander Hamilton, founding father, first Secretary of the Treasury and leader of the
constitutional convention!
Andrew Jackson, "Old Hickory " fought the British in New Orleans !
Ulysses Grant, Union army general, led the North through the Civil War!
Ben Franklin, genius inventor, political theorist and leading author of the Constitution.
Finally, we have someone to put on the food stamp!!!
Obama's policies have put more people on welfare than any president before him, so this placement is most appropriate. Unlike the Nobel Peace Prize, for which he did nothing, this is an "honor" he richly deserves.
I was eating breakfast with my 13-year-old granddaughter and I asked her, "What day is the 20th of February?"
She said "It's President's Day!"
She is a smart kid.
I asked "What does President's Day mean?"
I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln .... etc.
She replied,
"President's Day is when President Obama steps out of the White House, and if he sees his shadow we have one more year of unemployment."
You know, it hurts when hot coffee spurts out your nose...
Lance Armstrong Is Stripped of His 7 Tour de France Titles

Franck Fife/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Lance Armstrong at the end of the 19th stage of the 90th Tour de France in July 2003.
Published: October 22, 2012 685 Comments
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The International Cycling Union announced Monday that it would not appeal the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s ruling to bar Lance Armstrong for life from Olympic sports for doping and for playing an instrumental role in the teamwide doping on his Tour de France-winning cycling squads.
Armstrong’s Wall of Silence Fell Rider by Rider (October 21, 2012)
‘Tattooed Guy’ Was Pivotal in Armstrong Case (October 18, 2012)
Readers’ Comments
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The decision to waive the right to take Armstrong’s case to the Court of
Arbitration for Sport, the highest court in sports, formally strips
Armstrong of the Tour titles he won from 1999 to 2005.
“Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling; he deserves to be forgotten in
cycling,” Pat McQuaid, president of the cycling union, said in a news
conference Monday in Switzerland. “Something like this must never happen
McQuaid said he was “sickened” by the facts in the 202-page report the
antidoping agency made public two weeks ago regarding the evidence it
had in the Armstrong case, and called it mind-boggling how former
teammates like the five-time national time trial champion David
Zabriskie were pushed to use performance-enhancing drugs.
McQuaid said the report showed that Armstrong’s teams had a “win at all
costs” attitude fueled by “deceit, intimidation, coercion and evasion,”
and that all of the evidence was there to prove that Armstrong doped.
Armstrong, who has vehemently denied ever doping, declined to comment
Monday. But in the past he said that he, his teammates and those riders
who competed against him would always know he won those seven Tours. In
his biography on his Twitter page, he still calls himself the seven-time
Tour de France winner.
The antidoping agency applauded the cycling union’s recognition and
implementation of the penalties it gave Armstrong in August, when
Armstrong gave up fighting his case. Back then, the cycling union was
still battling to gain jurisdiction over the matter.
“Today, the U.C.I. made the right decision in the Lance Armstrong case,”
Travis Tygart, the antidoping agency’s chief executive, said in a
statement. “Despite its prior opposition to Usada’s investigation into
doping on the U.S. Postal Service cycling team and within the sport,
Usada is glad that the U.C.I. finally reversed course in this case and
has made the credible decision available to it.”
Tygart said there was still more to do to clean up cycling because “many
more details of doping that are hidden, many more doping doctors, and
corrupt team directors and the omerta has not yet been fully broken.” He
called for immunity to be given to riders who come forward and confess
their doping, so the sport can learn from its mistakes and move forward.
The World Anti-Doping Agency now has the opportunity to appeal Usada’s
decision, and its officials said it was still in the process of
reviewing the evidence.
Even so, the cycling union’s announcement Monday delivered yet another
devastating blow to Armstrong, who has unceremoniously fallen from grace
within the past two weeks.
Last week he stepped down as chairman of his Livestrong charity and lost
nearly all of his sponsors, including Nike and Trek Bicycles. Oakley
sunglasses, one of the companies that had been with him the longest,
announced Monday that they were dropping him, too.
The International Olympic Committee is reviewing Armstrong’s case and
will most likely strip him of the bronze medal he won at the 2000 Sydney
Christian Prudhomme, the Tour’s race director, said at a news conference
Monday that he no longer considered Armstrong a Tour champion and that
the Amaury Sport Organization, the company that organizes the Tour de
France, would erase Armstrong’s name from its record books.
He added that the runners-up should not be elevated in the standings
because of the prevalent doping that occurred during that period in the
“Those dark years must be marked by the absence of a winner,” he said.
Prudhomme characterized Armstrong as “a true talent who strayed” and
“played with fire,” and said he would like Armstrong to repay the prize
money he won at the Tour, which is in the millions of dollars.
But the cycling union will make the final decision on that.
McQuaid said the management committee of the cycling union would meet
Friday to discuss the ramifications of Armstrong’s downfall, including
if and how Armstrong would repay the prize money he won during that time
and how the cycling union would handle the standings at those Tours. He
said the committee also would discuss the possible repayment of prize
money by Armstrong’s teammates who admitted doping.
“A lot of these guys made a lot of money out of their cheating,” McQuaid
said. “A lot have admitted they cheated and apologized to their family
and friends, but they have not apologized to the U.C.I. or the sport.”
Regarding the black mark the scandal leaves on cycling, McQuaid
apologized that they could not catch every single one of them
“red-handed and throw them out of the sport.”
McQuaid denied that the cycling union had anything to do with covering
up tests that Armstrong supposedly had failed, calling accusations
“absolutely untrue” that the organization went out of its way to protect
Armstrong, its biggest star.
The decision to strip Armstrong of his Tour victories has also created
potential additional legal problems for Armstrong. SCA Promotions, an
insurance company based in Dallas, will look into recouping the
performance bonuses it covered when Armstrong won Tour after Tour.
The company withheld a bonus for Armstrong’s winning the 2004 Tour after
a French book claimed he had doped and cheated to win. Armstrong sued
the company to force it to pay him that bonus. The two parties reached a
settlement, with the insurance company paying Armstrong $7.5 million —
and now SCA Promotions wants it back.
Thomas Peterffy grew up in socialist Hungary. Despite the fact that he could not speak English when he immigrated to the United States in 1956, Thomas fulfilled the American dream. With hard work and dedication, he started a business that today employs thousands of people. In the 1970s, Thomas bought a seat on the American Stock Exchange. He played a key role in developing the electronic trading of securities and is the founder of Interactive Brokers, an online discount brokerage firm with offices all over the world.He is using his own money to put this advertisement on television.Watch it:
Subject: Fw: How Marines Welcome a President
Kinda say's it all heh????
Watch this soon because it won't survive on youtube till election time...
We,the Cuban-American in USA, we should do a Video,about the Socialist System in Cuba.
----------Original Message----------
Subject: Hungarian immigrant's ad against a socialist America
Thomas Peterffy grew up in socialist Hungary. Despite the fact that he could not speak English when he immigrated to the United States in 1956, Thomas fulfilled the American dream. With hard work and dedication, he started a business that today employs thousands of people. In the 1970s, Thomas bought a seat on the American Stock Exchange. He played a key role in developing the electronic trading of securities and is the founder of Interactive Brokers, an online discount brokerage firm with offices all over the world.He is using his own money to put this advertisement on television.Watch it:
A true American Hero !!!!!
is a video where a Congressman tells it like it is. Allen West has been
attacked by the Democrats in Florida. Worth watching Congressman Allen
West vs. Nezar Hamze.
Allen West is a Congressman from Florida in a dire political fight to save his congressional seat! Mr. Hamze waded into this discussion with congressman West in attack mode with typical Muslim misinformed bravado.
Do you know any politician who has the background and guts who could have handled Nezar better? Hamze thought he would be dealing with a another typical American PC pantywaist politician who panders to anyone and any cause to get votes. He made one little mistake: he walked into the perfect ambush and was unable to withdraw.
He deserves all the support he can get.
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