MAKING LAKE ASHTON A BETTER AND HONEST COMMUNITY TO LIVE AT RETIREMENT This is a free Service provided to all residents. Feel free to provide a comment or correction on any article. Send all E-Mails to and YOUR REMARK OR OPINION will be posted. If an individual is named in your post, it must be signed. All bold wording below the comment is the publisher opinion. These are the stories they don't want you to read. See also disclaimer in right column below.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Lake Ashton restaurant will be closing soon if not next week. Lets face it. How can they make money if they give out free dinners to the CDD members. They are closed every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They ban me for 4 months so I could no longer go to dinner at the restaurant. They are all a bunch of idiots. The CDD is a bunch of dummies with no brains. You elected the idiots, and you got what you desired.
Looking back thru the past 4 years, many "Whens" pop up. Read them all to better understand where we are going as a country.
WHEN - he refused to disclose who donated money to his election campaign, as other candidates had done, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he received endorsements from people like Louis Farrakhan, Muramar Kaddafi and Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - it was pointed out that he was a total newcomer and had absolutely no experience at anything except community organizing, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he chose friends and acquaintances such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were revolutionary radicals, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his voting record in the Illinois Senate and in the U.S. Senate came into question, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he refused to wear a flag lapel pin and did so only after a public outcry, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - people started treating him as a Messiah and children in schools were taught to sing his praises, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he stood with his hands over his groin area for the playing of the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he surrounded himself in the White House with advisors who were pro-gun control, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he said he favors sex education in kindergarten, including homosexual indoctrination, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his personal background was either scrubbed or hidden and nothing could be found about him, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to produce a birth certificate, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he had an association in Chicago with Tony Rezco - a man of questionable character and who is now in prison and had helped Obama to a sweet deal on the purchase of his home - people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent a ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he started appointing White House Czars that were radicals, revolutionaries, and even avowed Marxist /Communists, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he stood before the Nation and told us that his intentions were to "fundamentally transform this Nation" into something else, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - it became known that he had trained ACORN workers in Chicago and served as an attorney for ACORN, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed cabinet members and several advisers who were tax cheats and socialists, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren, who believes in forced abortions, mass sterilizations and seizing babies from teen mothers, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Cass Sunstein as Regulatory Czar who believes in "Explicit Consent," harvesting human organs without family consent and allowing animals to be represented in court, while banning all hunting, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Kevin Jennings, a homosexual and organizer of a group called Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network as Safe School Czar and it became known that he had a history of bad advice to teenagers, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Mark Lloyd as Diversity Czar who believes in curtailing free speech, taking from one and giving to another to spread the wealth, who supports Hugo Chavez, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - Valerie Jarrett, an avowed Socialist, was selected as Obama's Senior White House Advisor, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, said Mao Tse Tung was her favorite philosopher and the person she turned to most for inspiration, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Carol Browner, a well known socialist as Global Warming Czar working on Cap and Trade as the nation's largest tax, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he appointed Van Jones, an ex-con and avowed Communist as Green Energy Czar, who since had to resign when this was made known, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - Tom Daschle, Obama's pick for Health and Human Services Secretary could not be confirmed because he was a tax cheat, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - as President of the United States , he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, people said it didn't matter..
WHEN - he traveled around the world criticizing America and never once talking of her greatness, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - his actions concerning the Middle East seemed to support the Palestinians over Israel, our long time ally, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took American tax dollars to resettle thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to the United States, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he upset the Europeans by removing plans for a missile defense system against the Russians, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he played politics in Afghanistan by not sending troops early-on when the Field Commanders said they were necessary to win, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he started spending us into a debt that was so big we could not pay it off, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took a huge spending bill under the guise of stimulus and used it to pay off organizations, unions, and individuals that got him elected, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took over insurance companies, car companies, banks, etc., people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he took away student loans from the banks and put it through the government, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it under government control, people said it didn't matter.
WHEN - he claimed he was a Christian during the election and tapes were later made public that showed Obama speaking to a Muslim group and 'stating' that he was raised a Muslim, was educated as a Muslim, and is still a Muslim, people said it didn't matter.
Friday, June 22, 2012
A different time and place…
JUST THINK HOW THIS YOUNG LADY FELT WHEN SHE DISCOVERED THE VIDEO HER FATHER SHOT. Great video of a Spontaneous Victory Parade in Honolulu in 1945. Take a look at this video-absolutely fabulous! Notice the cars, jeeps, and youth. The guys in khaki or gray shirts and black ties are Navy officers or chiefs. The rest are Army or Marine. How young they all were to do what they did. This guy really captured a moment in history! (You can listen to Jimmy Durante singing "I'll be Seeing You" in the background, too) This is a super video of a time past - we need to remember and be THANKFUL. Check out the color fidelity. It's not bad for 1945. Click here for the video: |
A woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautiful parrot. There was a sign on the cage that said $50.00. "Why so little?" she asked the pet store owner. The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in a house of prostitution, and sometimes it says some pretty vulgar stuff." The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the bird anyway. She took it home and hung the bird's cage up in her living room and waited for it to say something. The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, "New house, new madam." The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought "that's really not so bad." When her two teenage daughters returned from school, the bird saw them and said, "New house, new madam, new girls." The girls and the woman were a bit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering how and where the parrot had been raised. Moments later, the woman's husband Keith came home from work. The bird looked at him and said, | ||
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Joe Hunter was walking through the woods.
"What majestic trees!
What powerful rivers!
What beautiful animals!"
He said to himself.
Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes
behind him.
He turned to look .....
and saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards
He ran as fast as he could along the path.
He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear
was closing in on him ....
He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear
was even closer .....
and then .....
He tripped and fell.
Rolling over to pick himself up, he found the
bear was right on top of him .........
reaching towards him with its left paw ......
and raising the right paw to strike ...H
At that instant the Atheist cried out,
'Oh my God!'
Time Stopped ...
The bear froze ......
The forest was silent ....
A bright light shone upon the man,
and a voice came out of the sky ....
"You deny my existence for all these years,
you teach others I don't exist
and even credit creation to cosmic accident.
Do you expect me to help you out of this
predicament?Am I to count you as a believer?"
Joe Hunter looked directly into the light .....
"It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask
you to treat me as a Christian now ...
but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian?"
... a pause ...
"Very well," said the voice ...
The light went out.
The sounds of the forest resumed ...
the bear dropped his right arm ...
brought both paws together ...
bowed his head & spoke.
"Lord, bless this food,
which I am about to receive.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
1907 PHOTO This one needs to circulateI think this is one email that needs to be forwarded until every American with a computer receives it..The year is 1907, one hundred and 2 years ago.READ PRINT UNDER PICTURE!
Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American....There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Every American citizen needs to read this!
1 Attached file| 36KB
So it will be out there on the fourth!
For all of our other military personnel, where ever they may be.
Support all of the troops defending our Country.
And God Bless our Military
Who are protecting our Country for our Freedom.
Thanks to them, and their sacrifices, we can celebrate the 4th of July.We must never forget who gets the credit for the freedoms we have,
Of which we should be eternally grateful.
I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform;
So young, so tall, so proud.
With hair cut square and eyes alert,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil;
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?NO, FREEDOM ISN'T FREE !
I heard the sound of Taps one night,
When everything was still.
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant 'Amen.'
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea.
Of unmarked graves in Arlington .NO FREEDOM ISN'T FREE
Enjoy Your Freedom
God Bless Our Troops.
When you receive this,
Please stop for a moment
And say a prayer for our servicemen.
Of all the gifts you could give a U.S. Soldier, prayer is the very best one.THANK YOU .........
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens
once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to
your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese
Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money.
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