MAKING LAKE ASHTON A BETTER AND HONEST COMMUNITY TO LIVE AT RETIREMENT This is a free Service provided to all residents. Feel free to provide a comment or correction on any article. Send all E-Mails to and YOUR REMARK OR OPINION will be posted. If an individual is named in your post, it must be signed. All bold wording below the comment is the publisher opinion. These are the stories they don't want you to read. See also disclaimer in right column below.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Bingo Paul Pointious
Two more state agencies are now investigating Bingo Paul. Now we have the State of Florida, the Federal Government, And the two new ones that we will meet on Thursday and Friday of this week. Yes we are going to get him and get him good. Next week I will tell you who they are.
Slick trick
Irish magician Dave Cremin in a short video clip here is seen performing the greatest card trick you'll ever witness,right in the streets in the heart of Times Square. |
Some kids overstaying welcome at Sun City Center
Article Courtesy of The Tampa Tribune
By Donna Koehn
Published December 21, 2011
SUN CITY CENTER, Fla. -- Sun City Center has its share of wheels, often attached to walkers, wheelchairs and, of course, golf carts, the iconic mode of transportation in one of the nation's first retirement communities.
What you shouldn't see going 'round and 'round here? The wheels of the bus.
Residents were startled this semester when Hillsborough County school buses began picking up and dropping off elementary school students in their 55-and-older neighborhoods.
The school district confirmed a bus is making stops there, a place where children can visit briefly but not live.
"It was sure a surprise to see," says Dave Floyd, a director of the Sun City Center Community Association and the man in charge of keeping track of the community's compliance with its age-restricted ways. "We started getting reports from the homeowners associations that their members were calling to report children getting off the bus."
Legal action will be taken if residents fail to make other plans for the children, according to Ed Barnes, the association president. So far, of about 10 households found to be harboring young ones, eight have made other arrangements, either moving or sending the children away. Another already is in foreclosure.
"We don't want to throw people out of their homes," Floyd says. "We know times are tough."
Most are three-generation households in which grown children who have lost their jobs moved in with their parents for financial help, bringing the grandchildren along. The grandparents are attempting to get the extended family back on its feet, Floyd says.
The association is working with the families if they need a little extra time to make arrangements to move out, he says. He declined to provide the names of those affected by the crackdown.
In Sun City Center, children can visit Grandma, but their stay is limited to 30 days per year.
It's legal. The federal Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 granted equal rights in housing - with two exceptions, both involving older adults. Sun City Center abides by the rule that 80 percent of households must have at least one person in a couple who is 55 or older. Sometimes, with permission, couples in their early 50s can move there.
Hillsborough County's code enforcement also monitors the ratio, Floyd says.
When people move in, they sign a contract stating they will never allow children under 18 to live with them full time.
Ann Marie Leblanc has 22 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
"Like most people, I love to see them," she says. "They come down and visit, and then when they're gone: Whew!"
Joe Elam says the community was built for those who are more mature and show a tolerance for those who move a little slower.
"We love the kids, but if we wanted to live with 'em, we'd move with 'em to Brandon," he says.
Wiley Mangum, professor emeritus in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida, began studying newly emerging retirement communities in the 1960s. Sun City Center is one of the oldest, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
A lengthy, fun-filled retirement was an alien concept before then. People often worked until they died. If they became too old or ill to work, they moved in with their children, likely in the same town in which they were born.
Better medical care brought longer lives, and Social Security, pension plans and an increase in mobility after World War II led to the idea that one's final years could mean fun in the sun, far from home, with others the same age.
"Moving to a retirement community just to avoid children is not a major motive among most older people," Mangum says. "Once there, however, most people seem to be glad that children under 18 are usually around only on such occasions as spring break or Christmas."
Mangum, who lives in the nearby retirement community of Kings Point, says he's heard neighbors grousing around the pool about young children swimming there.
"Generally speaking, people move to retirement communities because they're attracted to the 'adult leisure lifestyle' that such communities purport to offer, and that lifestyle does not include small children on a regular basis," he says.
Elam says one reason he likes Sun City Center is the low crime rate. He worries that teenagers would bring more home burglaries and other problems to the neighborhood.
He recalls when he and his wife were looking at homes in the community 12 years ago.
"We were living in a big house on three acres, with a view of a lake and mountains," he says. "My wife kept looking out the back windows of the homes here and talking about how beautiful it was.
"I finally told her, 'You're seeing things! This doesn't compare!'"
It wasn't what she was seeing; it was what she wasn't.
"She said she couldn't see a single swing set. She'd raised our three children and she didn't want to raise another three."
What you shouldn't see going 'round and 'round here? The wheels of the bus.
Residents were startled this semester when Hillsborough County school buses began picking up and dropping off elementary school students in their 55-and-older neighborhoods.
The school district confirmed a bus is making stops there, a place where children can visit briefly but not live.
"It was sure a surprise to see," says Dave Floyd, a director of the Sun City Center Community Association and the man in charge of keeping track of the community's compliance with its age-restricted ways. "We started getting reports from the homeowners associations that their members were calling to report children getting off the bus."
Legal action will be taken if residents fail to make other plans for the children, according to Ed Barnes, the association president. So far, of about 10 households found to be harboring young ones, eight have made other arrangements, either moving or sending the children away. Another already is in foreclosure.
"We don't want to throw people out of their homes," Floyd says. "We know times are tough."
Most are three-generation households in which grown children who have lost their jobs moved in with their parents for financial help, bringing the grandchildren along. The grandparents are attempting to get the extended family back on its feet, Floyd says.
The association is working with the families if they need a little extra time to make arrangements to move out, he says. He declined to provide the names of those affected by the crackdown.
In Sun City Center, children can visit Grandma, but their stay is limited to 30 days per year.
It's legal. The federal Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988 granted equal rights in housing - with two exceptions, both involving older adults. Sun City Center abides by the rule that 80 percent of households must have at least one person in a couple who is 55 or older. Sometimes, with permission, couples in their early 50s can move there.
Hillsborough County's code enforcement also monitors the ratio, Floyd says.
When people move in, they sign a contract stating they will never allow children under 18 to live with them full time.
Ann Marie Leblanc has 22 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
"Like most people, I love to see them," she says. "They come down and visit, and then when they're gone: Whew!"
Joe Elam says the community was built for those who are more mature and show a tolerance for those who move a little slower.
"We love the kids, but if we wanted to live with 'em, we'd move with 'em to Brandon," he says.
Wiley Mangum, professor emeritus in the School of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida, began studying newly emerging retirement communities in the 1960s. Sun City Center is one of the oldest, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
A lengthy, fun-filled retirement was an alien concept before then. People often worked until they died. If they became too old or ill to work, they moved in with their children, likely in the same town in which they were born.
Better medical care brought longer lives, and Social Security, pension plans and an increase in mobility after World War II led to the idea that one's final years could mean fun in the sun, far from home, with others the same age.
"Moving to a retirement community just to avoid children is not a major motive among most older people," Mangum says. "Once there, however, most people seem to be glad that children under 18 are usually around only on such occasions as spring break or Christmas."
Mangum, who lives in the nearby retirement community of Kings Point, says he's heard neighbors grousing around the pool about young children swimming there.
"Generally speaking, people move to retirement communities because they're attracted to the 'adult leisure lifestyle' that such communities purport to offer, and that lifestyle does not include small children on a regular basis," he says.
Elam says one reason he likes Sun City Center is the low crime rate. He worries that teenagers would bring more home burglaries and other problems to the neighborhood.
He recalls when he and his wife were looking at homes in the community 12 years ago.
"We were living in a big house on three acres, with a view of a lake and mountains," he says. "My wife kept looking out the back windows of the homes here and talking about how beautiful it was.
"I finally told her, 'You're seeing things! This doesn't compare!'"
It wasn't what she was seeing; it was what she wasn't.
"She said she couldn't see a single swing set. She'd raised our three children and she didn't want to raise another three."
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011 8:42 AM
Message body
Ledger and the Chief
After 4 decades the New York Times is selling the Ledger and The Chief Newspapers.To many cancellations from subscribers complaint about the Liberal way they running these newspapers.The Daytona Beach News, is buying Both
> Subject: Fw: A Bar In Wyoming
> >
> "There are Two ways to Enslave a Country, One is by the Sword, the other is by Debt" - John Adams
> A Bar In Wyoming
> >
> A man is sitting in the Bull Moose Saloon in Alpine Wyoming and was far from home when Barack Obama comes on TV.
> >
> The man looks at the TV and says, "Obama is a horse's ass."
> >
> Out of nowhere, a local jumps up and punches him in the face, knocking him off his bar stool, then stomps out.
> >
> He gets back up, rubbing his cheek and orders another beer.
> >
> Shortly after, Michelle Obama appears on the TV. He looks at the TV and says "She is a horse's ass too!"
> >
> Out of nowhere, another local punches him in the other side of the face, knocking him off his bar stool again.
> >
> He gets back up and looks at the bartender, "I take it this is Obama country?"
> >
> "Nope." replies the bartender. "Horse country."
> >
> "There are Two ways to Enslave a Country, One is by the Sword, the other is by Debt" - John Adams
> A Bar In Wyoming
> >
> A man is sitting in the Bull Moose Saloon in Alpine Wyoming and was far from home when Barack Obama comes on TV.
> >
> The man looks at the TV and says, "Obama is a horse's ass."
> >
> Out of nowhere, a local jumps up and punches him in the face, knocking him off his bar stool, then stomps out.
> >
> He gets back up, rubbing his cheek and orders another beer.
> >
> Shortly after, Michelle Obama appears on the TV. He looks at the TV and says "She is a horse's ass too!"
> >
> Out of nowhere, another local punches him in the other side of the face, knocking him off his bar stool again.
> >
> He gets back up and looks at the bartender, "I take it this is Obama country?"
> >
> "Nope." replies the bartender. "Horse country."
Christmas here at lake Ashton, you would never know it. 90% of the residents don't have outside lights!. Those who do, do a beautiful job of decorating their home with Christmas lights. I guess Lake Ashton is too cheap and lazy to display Christmas lights. They are losing all their money to Bingo and supporting Bingo Paul.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
at's My Boy Jeff... and he's Right On Too!
You Have a Nice Day Now...You Hear?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
HOA Forces Family to Remove Disabled Child's 'Therapy Home'
rticle and Video Courtesy of AOL Real Estate By Krisanne Alcantara Published December 18, 2011 |
Though it's not breaking news that homeowners' associations are drawing fire for their questionably strict enforcement of covenant rules, specifically those regarding personal items within "common areas," the latest decision from an HOA in Lexington, Ky., has raised more controversy and community-wide furor than usual.
The Andover Forest Homeowners' Association in Lexington is demanding that the playhouse of 3-year-old Cooper Veloudis, who has cerebral palsy, be removed from the Veloudis family's yard.
Despite the toddler's progress however, the Andover Forest Homeowner's Association had announced that it would stick firmly to its ground. No matter what the circumstance, the structure remains "strictly prohibited" and Ernie Stamper, who represents the Andover Forest Subdivision, insisted that the board "will not back down."
"It's not something we have a reason to discuss," Stamper told television station KTSM 9. "There are people who live here who expect us to abide by those covenants. It's why they bought their house. Structures not attached to a house are not allowed."
In the meantime, the Veloudis family has also been ordered to pay $50 for every day the playhouse remains in their yard.
But in the days since the story was first broadcast early this month, the public backlash has spurred the HOA to soften its stance, the local NBC affiliate reported. The association decided that the playhouse can stay, at least for the time being. The Veloudises are still in talks with the HOA and say they're building a case to keep the playhouse.
And this week state lawmaker Richard Henderson, a representative of the Mount Sterling area, has said that he plans to draft a bill that would enable the family to keep the playhouse indefinitely and bar similar HOA action.
"It's not something we have a reason to discuss," Stamper told television station KTSM 9. "There are people who live here who expect us to abide by those covenants. It's why they bought their house. Structures not attached to a house are not allowed."
In the meantime, the Veloudis family has also been ordered to pay $50 for every day the playhouse remains in their yard.
But in the days since the story was first broadcast early this month, the public backlash has spurred the HOA to soften its stance, the local NBC affiliate reported. The association decided that the playhouse can stay, at least for the time being. The Veloudises are still in talks with the HOA and say they're building a case to keep the playhouse.
And this week state lawmaker Richard Henderson, a representative of the Mount Sterling area, has said that he plans to draft a bill that would enable the family to keep the playhouse indefinitely and bar similar HOA action.
From a Florida ER doctor: "I live and work in a state overrun with illegals. They make more money having kids than we earn working full-time. Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that’s right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to say, “We are the dumbest nation on earth.” Now I must say and sadly admit: WE are the dumbest people on earth (that includes ME) for we elected the idiot idealogues who have passed the bills that allow this. Sorry, but we need a revolution. Vote them all out in 2010. " --- REMEMBER --- IN NOVEMBER 2010, WE HAVE A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO CLEAN OUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE AND ONE-THIRD OF THE SENATE! This is an insult and a kick in the butt to all of us... Get mad and pass it on - I don't know how, but maybe some good will come of this travesty. If the immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004. She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22.' It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in social assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month. This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012 and the pensioners up to $2,470. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.. And not to receive a increase for 2010 Vote them all out of office……. Please forward this to every American to expose what our elected politicians have been doing for the past 11 years to over-taxed Americans. SEND THIS TO EVERY AMERICAN TAXPAYER YOU KNOW. |
HOA and the CDD money being kept.
The HOA and the CDD has in their pocket a very large sum of money. Many bills are not getting paid. The surfacing of the roads were partly paid and it makes 2 months since this was done. What is going on? Between the HOA and the CDD there is over $200,000 hard earn cash.
Monday, December 19, 2011
They don't have enough security here at Lake Ashton. Let's look at the security. Police car, Golf car security and resident patrol golf car. Doesn't this look like they have problems here at Lake Ashton? They will not tell you. This is a free from crime community. This is what they want you to believe. More crime going on in here than outside the fence area. Lets face it, the city of Lake Wales is very poor. Shack after shack of homes. Where would you rob outside the fence area or inside?
Monday, December 19, 2011 7:32 AM
Message body
Sunday, December 18, 2011
White House will not do Christmas this year! Thought you might be interested in this information from the White House..
This isn't a rumor; this is a fact. A very talented artist for several years has painted ornaments to be hung on the various White House Christmas trees. The WH sends out an invitation to send an ornament and informs the artists of the theme for the year.
She got her letter from the WH recently. It said that they would not be called 'Christmas Trees' this year. They will be called 'Holiday Trees'.. And to please not send any ornaments painted with a religious theme. She was very upset at this development and sent back a reply telling them that she painted the ornaments for Christmas trees and would not be sending any for display that left Christ out of Christmas.
Just thought you should know what the new residents in the WH plan for the future of America. If you missed his statement that "we do not consider ourselves a Christian Nation" this should confirm that he plans to take us away from our religious foundation as quickly as possible. Just another step toward turning America away from Christianity! We should shout to the highest hills that the White House is ours - not the Obama's, and 85% of Americans believe in Christ (Christmas).
You have two choices, delete or pass it on.*
As Ronald Reagan said, "there's no limit to what you
can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit"!
From now thru November 2012 this should be required weekly or at least monthly reading“ BY ALL WHO VOTE!!! Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt ceiling? He threatened to not pay: Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social Security disability and Federal Retirees. Now.. Let this sink in really good - He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens He did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients. He did not threaten the food stamp programs He did not threaten to not pay foreign aid He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters The list could go on and on. He is in full political re-election mode! Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his selfishness and his lies? His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and only our votes can stop him. Do not forget about his tactics when it's election time. Vote Obama out of the Presidency in 2012. GET MAD AND STAY MAD ~~ ELECTION 2012 IS COMING!!! |
Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag down? You might remember a news story several months ago about a crotchety old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down the flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can find out who, exactly, that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg -- probably didn't make much news back then. Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Carano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot, who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield, took out three enemy machine gun positions and returned with 17 prisoners of war. If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions. That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the War, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a colonel after also serving in Korea and Vietnam , a Congressional Medal of Honor. What did make news was a neighborhood association's quibble with How the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside His suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be Flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such As Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were unsuitable. He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made national TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position and agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them. "In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference," Barfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should. And if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not real good at backing down. Van T. Barfoot's Medal of Honor citation: This 1944 Medal of Honor citation, listed with the National Medal of Honor Society, is for Second Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry: If you got this email and didn't pass it on - guess what - you deserve to get your butt kicked! I sent this to you, because I didn't want to get MY butt kicked. WE ONLY LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE... BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE! AND, BECAUSE OF OLD MEN LIKE VAN BARFOOT. |
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