Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Morning Coffee, very expensive

Do Nothing $137,000 Joe Hunter and all talk Trish Adams $95,000 salary equals just under one million dollars in just four years. What a waste of our money. Even the coffee money goes to the developer. He wants every cent he can get. He has so many suits against him that its costing him a fortune.

I will not go to the Coffee meeting on Monday or have dinner at the developer's restaurant or play dishonest Bingo on Monday nights.
I feel that once you build a home you are done with the project. Your done and finish. You just don't add utilities to the cost of the home. MX is a rip off. After one full year, nothing has been settled and we are still waiting. Roads are sinking and cracking, HFC employees are not getting paid, house lots in the west and east are in foreclosure, Homes that are in foreclosure we are paying to cut the grass, we pay for all expenses at the restaurant on and on and the residents of Lake Ashton just don't care. I give up. Now we have many dishonest CDD and HOA members on the board. Whats next?

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