Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tomorrow, Dan Perry to our lawyer Attorney Kevin Doty about Bingo Records.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am trying to understand the crusade against Bingo. The people who are involved in the crusade do not play Bingo and are not involved in Bingo. Thus, how have they been disadvantaged? Bingo volunteers put in anywhere from 5 to 20 hours a week. They were recognized by having a dinner in their honor. If this action was improper, perhaps the Lake Wales Care Center could say they were entitiled to more contributions. If this committee is sucessfull in suing the HOA board, and fines result, doesn't the money come out of all of our pockets? If the money spent by Bingo to make improvements to the community was improper, doesn't the money have to be returned by the CDD. Once again doesn't it come out of all of our pockets. Our Bingo is considered by many in Polk County to be the best. Great room and the Bingo prices for the tickets are the lowest. In addition, every week $260 is paid in rental. Many people tell me that the issue is not how money was spent, but arises out of personal vendettas and personal agendas. Please tell me what I am missing.

A resident and Bingo player.