Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Anonymous said...

Now that this blog has identified the LA Committee members has follows, Barb Salvin, Dick Ralls, Rich Earl, John Chickness, John Guenther, and Ed King. I would ask the committee the following question? Do you think it was proper to sarcasticly make fun of Louise Gilla's faith and Vic Gilla's disability. ED, did the Gilla's do something to offend you. Barb Salvin, is there something wrong with Christian prayer? Jews and Moslems also pray. Rich Earl is it open season of people with handicaps and disabilities? John (I am Honest) Chickness is this payback against Vic? There needs to be an apology from this blog site. Copies have been sent to a number of residents establishing the mean spirited and morally offense comments made against the Gillas. This blog against the Gillas is disgraceful. The Gillas have given much of their time to this community. Shame on all of you.

I did not write that remark or anything about the Gillas, it was a comment by one of my readers. If you don't know how to read, than get out of my blog and take Saint Bingo Pontious out to dinner. I feel Mr And Mrs Gillas are on my top of the list as great residents. You are reading that comment wrong. Go back to school dummy. If I get any more dummies like you I will no longer post any comments. I will be just like L A Living. All one sided

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i object to the use of my name by anonymous. i understand that anyone can write anything they want on a blog and sign anonymous. they can say anything they want and never have to stand behind their words. please be advised that i do sign my name when i make a comment and i do check my facts before i write. So when you see that someone says that i said or did something, please note that unless you heard or saw it yourself it is not necessarily the truth.I am easy to reach-ask me.
I have made comments in this community about the way Bingo money has been spent. I made those comments after reading the FL. Statute for bingo and after seeing the checks from the accounts handled by the Pontious family. After seeing written communication from our present and past community leaders and their attorneys ,I do not understand why people are sitting back and slamming one another on a blog. I don't understand why only a few brave individuals are trying to stop these so-called leaders from doing more harm by removing them from public office.
lake ashton has always been a great place to live. But let us be honest about who the trouble makers are.Are they really the people trying to remove the dishonest people from leadership, as anonymous would have you believe? Are they really the people who are getting blasted , by name, by anonymous? Get real people! Do we really need the state attorney , irs, police , and sheriff's office to come in and remove these people from public office for us.Stop it now yourselves. Shun them, step out of their social circles, and pressure them to quit. See the facts yourselves. The records are all available to you under the FLorida laws for open government.
Barb Salvin