Sunday, January 29, 2012

Foreclosure for failed to pay $338 in assessments by the HOA

Homeowners association pursues extreme option --
 -- against Korean War veteran
The hot debate of the week: Foreclosure for Peanuts! An association wanted to foreclose on the home of a 81-year old veteran who failed to pay $338 in assessments. Before he knew it, the bill was up to $4,272.24, after adding late fees and legal fees. But the readers of te Orlando Sentinel not only condemned the actions of the HOA board, they as well collected funds to pay off the debt -- and saved the veteran's home. In my opinion it's outright ridiculous to even consider foreclosure for such small amounts. That's why we are in the process of creating the CCFJ Foundation, to provide education, legal help and some limited financial help for owners who are in a bind after not paying small amounts of association fees. Our society should be ashamed to allow such foreclosures.