Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hurricane Charlie Ins Claim money Missing $577,824.00

It seems some people are willing to PAY AGAIN for repairs to the bowling alley even if the first repairs were never made and the dear honest developer walked off with all the money.  WHO CARES  Bob Cruz don't care he is willing to pay again.  Are you willing to pay again or just sit back and let John do all the paper work.  John is doing a lot more than the dead beats on the CDD board.   $577,824 is missing and no one cares.  What the hell is wrong with the CDD Board and the residents?  They just don't care.  Go back to your knitting MARGO, CAROL, JAKE AND BRENDA.  .  Bingo Paul is taken lots of people to dinner by Bus and no one cares.  Why don't all you dumb Bingo Players donate money to Bingo Paul so he can again take people out to Dinner.  What a bunch of "do nothing" residents.  Always complain to us we are trouble makers.  At least we don't put other people's money in our pocket.

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