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Friday, April 15, 2011
My prediction is her first act will to make a job for B.Hayes. This will be at tax payers' expense. She can do no other because she is now a hostage to special interests groups.
Her next act will be to raise the millage rate for all of us at Lake Ashton. She will have to raise revenue for all the special reguests that will be coming forward.
Sounds like a typical Chicago politician. Promise everything to everybody and raise taxes.
Good luck, this is what the Adhoc Committee fought for.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
Whatever Betty will do will be better
than her opponent. All he talked about getting done for Winter Haven was increased water pressure. He took credit, but the Developer and Winter Haven corrected the problem.
Lets face it.....Jack lost because he was not MAYOR material He is Bingo, Concession stand material. Not even HOA material. Unless in Ohio.
The voters in Lake Ashton and Lake Wales saw thru his incompetence.
That is why he lost in a LANDSLIDE!
Billy F -
Friday, April 15, 2011 at 12:02:00 PM EDT