Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Richard Ralls, our hero

At the CDD meeting last week on Friday Dec 18, A gentleman stood up and said that his house is full of Chinese Drywall causing him a lot of illness, and that he must move out and requested to anyone if they knew of any place where he could stay. My good friend Richard Ralls stood up and said that he has a home for him. He was the only person that came forward to offer this person housing. Yes, there are people in Lake Ashton with a heart that care for other people and what is going on here in our community. 80% of the residents don't care and do nothing and they are all talk, and don't go to the meetings, they expect other people to do all the work, yet they know all the facts and answers, and I can tell you their TV tube is more important. Even Tricia Adams rejected a free Christmas dance show of 35 young kids, ages 7-18, that I wish to put on in the ballroom next Monday Morning on Dec 21, at coffee meeting. When I say Joe Hunter And Tricia Adams just don't care, I mean exactly what I said and I can back it up. My hand goes out to Richard Ralls, for he has done so much for this community, and very few people know it, also Jeff Salvin, president of the CDD, who has a very difficult task to try to make the residents understand what is going on here at Lake Ashton. The L A Times tells you nothing about the good and the bad, absolute nothing. All they do is collect ads and advertise and put all their good friends pictures in the paper, and all this money goes to the Developer. John Chickness has the same problem, he is talking to residents who are deaf. He might as well walk into a closet and talk to himself. The rest of the CDD members are useless and are pro developer, please prove me wrong. I don't make this up, its the truth and sometimes the truth is hard to believe than fiction They are all fighting to improve the roads, put Bingo on the right track and on the right side of the law, fighting to get a NEW Management here at Lake Ashton. The old Management must go because they are bleeding the residents dry and all his employees should follow suit. A new management could save us as much as $100,000 a year. We need a flesh look at lake Ashton with new faces and much better ideas. Lets bring Lake Ashton back to the good old days when there were little problems. We want no phonies here like we have now.

I don't make this up and lets support Richard Ralls, Jeff Salvin, and John Chickness, they are all spending their time and their own money to make this a better community. I might add that I have spend my own money in mailings, time and research in getting this community back to where it was when I first moved in. This Friday I will tell you all what I did for this community along with some of the CDD members. After this Friday I hope to hear from you either pro or con, but be my guest and speak out or forever hold your peace. Your name will not be published unless you wish it to be.

Edmund W King
Publisher and President of lakeashtontalk

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