Sunday, April 14, 2013


1.  No sidewalks
2.  Pot luck $2.00
3.  House Break-ins
4.  Car Break-in
5. Mail box mail being stolen
6.  Lots of shootings around Lake Ashton community
7  Jack Van Sickle and wife call cops on residents, Blog  and the poker players
8   RV lots filled, NO MORE STORAGE
9.  Not a private community, everybody is welcome, jump in the pool, enjoy the restaurant,  Bingo and house breaking
10  The Pontious runs community
11.  Joe Hunter accuses residents of things they did not do.
12.  Little small driveways
13.  Not a friendly community (don't turn your back)
14.  Hardly any more activities
15.  Restaurants are not support by residents
16.  Anyone from the outside can use the clubhouse
17.  Can't voice your opinion on their web site
18.  Overprice RV and boat storage
19.  Surrounding community is a dump.
20.  Developer takes is animal heads from the billiard room.  Doesn't trust the residents.  Lets face it, who trustees him.
21.  Little parking at the clubhouse
22.  Too much can't do nothing security
23.  Every Tom, Dick and Harry is on lookout patrol
24.  Carol Pontious controls Pot Luck, Shuffleboard, charging money and is on the CDD
25.  Not allowed to put on shows for residents unless you pay $375 for clubhouse use
26.  Resident almost killed by alligator and no one is told
27.  Neighbors are spying on you to see if your home is up to par
28.  Must submit paper in order to talk at the CDD  meeting
29.   Joe Hunter does nothing!
30.  You are required to pay for MX for life
31.  You can't voice your opinion
32.  Previous  Restaurant gave out free dinners to CDD members
33.  Bingo Pontious mails out disgusting letters to his enemies
34.   Bingo Pontious takes his friends to dinner by bus using Bingo money
35.  Forgot to pay your HOA fee for $60.00  They charge you a $50.00 fine
36.  Miss America, controls the website and handles the HOA fees
37.  Trich Adams has no respect for the residents of Lake Ashton
38.  Lake Ashton is a ZERO star community
39.  Trish Adams controls the Monday Morning Meetings
40.  Monday night is crime night in the community.
41.  Sign in home window, they have a right to break in and remove it
42.  Bingo cards are over priced.
43.  No place to walk.  Dogs have more place to walk than the residents
44.  Your money is used to manage two communities, Lake Ashton and Vienna Square
45.  Van truck parked in sales office parking lot says both communities.
46.  Trish Adams wants you there on Monday Morning to hear sales talk.
47.  Margo Stevens says she's been robbed of her seat on the CDD
48.  Jack Van Sickle says the same thing
49.  Joe "do nothing" Hunter is keeping a very low profile
50.  Margo just put out the fire on the fireside chat
51.  Mr Stevens is now a retired  photographer
52  Joe Hunter is a very big lair, his nose is growing and should be fired
53. Trish Adams wears low cut dresses to the entertainment series, so low, parts of her body almost falls out.  Many residents go to the show just to see her.