Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lake Ashtion is in the hands of a dictator

We have the MX cost which is force upon us by the developer.  Golf that is unfair to the residents of this community, $40.00 for outsiders and $100.00 for residents to play golf.  This makes no sense.  No sidewalks for senior citizens of this community to safely walk on. You must walk in the road and you have this guy building a senior community with no sidewalks.  He build roads on swamp land and now you have sink holes and raise manhole covers.  You have public roads, not private roads has we were told when we moved in.  We have driveways that are too short to park your car in without the rear of your car out in the road.  Anything to save the developer money.  Than you have him coming in our clubhouse stealing the animal heads from the billiard room.  He even belly up his building business because he thought he was going to get sue because of Chinese drywall.  Now he has Trisha Adams, relative  in marriage  in complete    control of this community has the community director.  They now want me to shut up by banning me for 4 months from the clubhouse.  They don't want anyone to know what is going on in here.