Tell all of the Lake Ashton Residents, how you were involved in the ILLEGAL 50-50 Gambling going on in Lake Ashton....During your stint as a member of LA HOA, Lake Wales Commissioner, and Mayor.
Then use the excuse..." But I never bought a ticket "
What a joke....Repent.. soon this will be divulged to the local News best to come clean NOW.
The problem is simple....The good people at Lake Ashton were fooled to think as Mayor , you would/ could help them...
ALL rubbish.. you helped them with nothing except receive $378.00 a month as mayor, when you spent 90% of your time at LA coffee mtgs, HOA mtgs, and CDD mtgs....Maybe if you spent that time as Mayor , something might have been accomplished....
Vote for BETTY WOJCIK and Mike Carter...Change for Growth !
Non Klan member..unlike ur buddy
John Rodgers