Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bingo Paul Pontious Revised

The meeting today was an act by Poke County Sheriff Grady Judd. He advise the Poke County investigating unit to drop all investigations on Bingo because it was a mistake and so many people are involved. This my good friends was illegal. His job is now on the line, also his chance for advancement to a higher position is on the line. The Ledger has been notify of his actions and a meeting will take place this week with all the evidence.

The gang of three headed by Gordon Obitz had no authorization to drop charges on Paul Pontious, income tax invasion and illegal 50/50 plus violation of Bingo laws.

What the inspectors did was illegal. If you shot your wife, would you say to the officer, oh I'm sorry it was a mistake. This will not work. These guys was told to say this.

As we speak a STATE investigation is now on going, a crime has been committed. Over $40,000 is missing, no taxes was ever paid, no money was paid to charity, running a illegal 50/50, etc.

I also may add that the state has been notify of you not paying the taxes on the money you spend and also on the concession stand. They are also looking into income tax invasion.

Paul you have two investigations going on not one, two.

Yes Paul these guys at the meeting today had no authority to dismiss the charges. A crime has been committed and you must pay.

PS: IT NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER Have a great day

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