Hi Bird & Nature Club,
I don't know what happened to the Bird Quiz I sent - apparently all you got was the answers. Anyways, I'll try it again sometime. All those birds have been filed in their respective folders, so I'm not sending out (again?). Besides, you already know the answers.
I am hopefully forwarding this to you so you can see what Lake Region Audubon is up to. With Reinier working for them, the organization will really be a help to you if you want to learn more about birds. I would encourage you to join them and help support their efforts.
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 9:33 PM
Subject: Lake Region Audubon Society - Birding 101 Workshop Start October 5th.
For a direct link to this reource please follow this link: http://www.lakeregionaudubon.org/general_public_programs/birding101.html


| | Birding 101 Tuesday Oct 5th, 6:00 pm (Street Audubon Nature Center) Thursday Oct 7th, 6:00 pm (Street Audubon Nature Center) Saturday Oct 9th, 8:00 am (Circle B Bar Reserve) Street Audubon Nature Center Fee: Free An introduction to birding. Learn about bird identification, equipment, techniques and the best times and locations to find birds. Occasionally birds can be identified by using several clues including behaviors, flight patterns and sounds. Subtle differences between species can be confusing at times, but with careful observation you will be able to pick up those differences quickly. Learning the main bird orders and families will greatly improve your decision-making when spotting a bird in the wild. This workshop will teach you how to take notes in the field for later identification of those first time observations. We'll help you become a better birder not only by learning the proper identification, but by learning how to collect relevant information for that particular species being watched. The workshop is divided in three separate sessions. The first and second sessions are held indoors at the Street Audubon Nature Center. The last session is a birding trip to Circle B Bar to test your new skills and practice identification. A follow up class on Advanced Birding will be available early next year to supplement this first basic introduction to birding. Reinier Munguia Lake Region Audubon Society Educator
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| Learn how to use identification marks in the field. | 
| Positive identification of some birds requires knowing variations in plumage as the bird transitions from immature to adult; such is the case of the Little Blue Heron. | | | |
115 Lameraux Road ∙ Winter Haven, Florida 33884 (863) 324-7304
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