Wednesday, January 14, 2009


January 14, 2009
You might be a redneck fisherman if:

1. Your mother has "stink bait" on her birthday wish list.

2. You have the local taxidermist's number on speed dial.

3. Your dentist gave up asking you to quit biting fishing line.

4. You've ever cleaned crappies in your living room.

5. You've ever had to turn your pickup around because of bridge clearance restrictions.

6. You have more than two fishing buddies named Bubba or Junior.

7. You brought your fishing rod to Sea World.

8. Your kitchen doubles as a bait shop.

9. You consider "Cabela's Spring Fishing Catalog" deep reading.

10. Your boat is worth more than your house.

And you might be a redneck fisherman ... if you can think of three friends who've just been described.

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