Monday, January 12, 2009


There were about 200 people at the 10am meeting and in the afternoon meeting at 2pm there were only 40. It is very disturbing to hear all the argument's, shouting back and forth, getting no where. There are approx 850 homes here about 1700 people. This adds up to about 11% of the people that care and 89% don't care. In the afternoon there were .02% of the Lake Ashton residents there. I guess no one wants to hear all the problems at Lake Ashton. Lots of people think there are none. Where are they coming from? Here are just a few problems of what they talked about. Charity Shows, Roads, $10,000 missing from Bingo before Paul took it over. Repairs at Clubhouse, Developer and his restaurant, Coffee money, Joe Hunter and Tricia Adams at Vienna Square, Residents and non-residents, Screening in the Lani at the restaurant, on and on and on etc.

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