Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Letter to George Flint

Mr. George Flint
201 East Pine St.
Suite 950
Orlando, Fl. 33801
Mr. George Flint; district manager
Living here has been a very unpleasant experience, knowing what I know now I would not be living here. If there is a problem, there is basally no one here to complaint to and if you do complain he will find ways to crucify you and it takes him three days or more to get back to you for a I can do nothing answer. A note was placed on his door and three days later, after 2 phone calls, I am talking about none other than our Community Director, Joeseph Hunter. I am truly amazed that he has lasted this long. He has made broken promises to the Golf Pro prior to Eddie Frye saying he would have a part in designing the new 9 hole golf course. He left after finding out Mr. Hunter was not telling the truth. Also the Chief prior to Miguel Suazo had it out with Joe Hunter. It seems no matter what he cooked, Joe Hunter was never satisfied. Also the Ashton Grill Bar tender was promised he would be at the new Bar at the Pro Shop, this never happen so he left.
Many homes and cars are being broken into, never once did he mention this on Monday morning coffee meeting. He should have told the people of Lake Ashton to make sure all doors are locked and alarms are on. We had to tell the people ourselves at the coffee meeting what was going on. Cars were parking in front of the bicycle rack stand at the clubhouse making it useless for people to park their bike there. I ask Joe Hunter to refrain people from parking there before the Coffee meeting; he did not say a thing. He found out that I parked my inflatable 11’ boat in the lake in back of my house over night He asked me never to do it again. I told him this community does not own the lake, the state does. I told him about the herbicides spraying here at Lake Ashton and that we eat the fish with the herbicides. He said for me to go see the CDD. I call Jake Eaton, he said he’ll look into it. Well I did one better I called the Southwest Florida Water Management District. You know the rest of the story.
Joe Hunter rules this community with a cold heart and an iron hand. I have talked with many residents here at Lake Ashton and I can tell you honestly he is not well liked. I have seen him in arguments with residents and I can not believe my eyes. This is a Community Director, give me a break. I am quite sure the Community Development District can do a hell of a lot better and it wouldn’t take much to replace him. When I first moved in I used to see Joe Hunter every day, now he hides, never see him. He does not want to be seen, and he never answers his phone. WHY? How can this person welcome the residents of Lake Ashon, knowing he will do nothing to help them. One person had their home broke into, instead of feeling sorry for that person he told her to move her bushes, they were obstructing someone’s view. Just like me I complain about a golf ball going thru my window and he sends me a letter saying I used profanity and I will be ban from the Pro Shop. He loves to scare people, no wonder there are over 85 homes or more and a dozen homes under foreclosure here at Lake Ashton . People can’t wait to get the hell out of here. And I am one of them.

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