These guys know the facts. They were silenced by their
service. But they refuse to remain quiet any longer. The stakes
are simply too high.
Newly released emails indicate
that the Obama White House KNEW WITHIN 30 MINUTES of the initial
uprising that the American Embassy in Benghazi was under full
terrorist attack. An American drone reportedly sent the State
Department situation room real time footage of the jihadist
assault. As State Department officials watched the bloody, clearly
pre-planned and well organized attack unfold; our Commander in
Chief refused to take action. It has been further reported that
instead of staying in the situation room, the President retired to
his quarters for an early bed time, leaving horrified State
Department personnel alone with the live feed horrors from
Of the four killed during that 7
hour battle, 2 of the people died in the final hour. Ty Woods, a
former SEAL teammate of Nagel's was one of the last to die. "Ty
ran his weapon dry and killed 50 jihadists before he was taken
down. If this Administration had used the intel they had and sent
help, my friend might still be alive" said Nagel.
Other SEALs are just as furious with Obama.
We were silenced during our years in the service. But the oath
we took to protect and defend the Constitution DEMANDS that we
speak out now, to protect America.
For America,
Joel Arends Chairman, Veterans for a Strong America |