Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jan Carpenter believes in Joe Hunter, the saint. the guy that walks on water.

Joe Hunter was Community Director of Lake Ashton East untill he was replaced by Trish Adams, a relation to Larry Maxwell, the developer.  He was also a SOB of a lair, accusing the residents of things they did not do.  Paul Pontious is a great friend of Joe.  They are both big lairs.  Paul has almost 1000 pages of information in the hands of the State attorney general.  Any time now he will serve papers on Paul Pontious and this community will become a big black eye in the state of Florida.  George Flint refuses to look into the allegations into Joe Hunter and Paul Pontious.  But they waste no time  evicting  me of  selling something.  My card is  commercial but what am I selling? There are over 500 cards in the library and they are selling things.  I just don't get it.  I guess they hate the truth and my blog.