Monday, October 18, 2010

Will the person that send me the E-Mail of the cop, wife of Paul Pontious and the wife of the Mayor, running for the CDD Board, please call Dick Ralls 863-324-3238


Anonymous said...

Let me understand, we are looking for Dick Rawls to be our savior? Claims to have played football in the NFL, but no record of him on any roster. Attempts to intimate residents by claiming that they will be sued and lawsuits are coming. Asked the road engineer to find something wrong with the roads to favor a lawsuit against the developer. Together with Barb, have chased people away from the pet park, because of their no holds barred political activism.

If you attempt to bully or intimate residents by claiming that they will have charges or lawsuits file against them, these actions are considered criminal and are considered harrassment.

Anonymous said...

Only 13 days left untill we get john (I like to hear myself talk) chickness elected to the CDD Board. That means a return to King Jeff's rule along side the Queen of Darkness, Big Dick Ralls, and the Duke of Earl. This group has never seen a lawsuit they didn't like. In addition, anyone that disagrees with the agenda of absolute rule will be punished accordingly.