Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chinese Drywall Problems

Just in. I was told that this issue of Chinese dry wall will not be settle quickly and maybe not at all. It is the home owner responsibility before they bought the home to have it inspected. At that time no one knew there were Chinese drywall in here so they did not check for it. You can also sue the inspector for not doing his job. Many developers took upon them selves to help the home owner and take it out. We have a developer in here that doesn't give a damn. The only way you can get this issue solved is by walking away from the home and let the bank own it. Before you do this you must buy another house so it won't show up on your credit. I'm very sorry to bring you this news, but this is the only way to fixed this problem. Larry Maxwell with all his money doesn't care for residents at all but the money. As of today I was told no one knows where he is.

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