Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bingo Paul is still having the Raffle at Bingo

Paul Pontious......Held a RAFFLE otherwise known as a lottery .. at this past Monday Nite Bingo Dec 14, 2009...and Gave all the money to the winner ?? This is illegal, It is money that was collected and paid out, and he has AGAIN ignored the LAW. Lake Ashton is headed for a major Violation/Fine, because of his..... ( I dont give a Damn actions ) Wasn't he told to stop running the lottery at Bingo by the HOA? This guy will do anything he wishes, including going by my house and calling me an Ass Hole.

Paul, I will give you all the address of the HOA members so you can likewise go by their home and call them names the same names you been calling me every time you see me. Joe Hunter "Do Nothing" says its all right to call people names because all they have to do is report it to the Lake Wales police.

Ronald White 4075 Birkdale Drive
Stephen Mattox 4409 Waterford Drive
Jackie Perez 4408 Waterford Drive
John Castelli 4131 Muirfield Loop
Jake Eaton 4020 Traee Drive
Carol Hanson 4404 Strathmore Drive

Good luck Paul, Wish you the best. And by the way, I also saw you selling Lottery tickets with 150 other Bingo players. We all got the goods on you Bingo Paul. That holding cell will be waiting for you. Like I said Paul, you can do whatever you want, I don,t give a damn.

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