Monday, May 12, 2008

New golf fees for Golfers

Golf fees must go up October first, 2008. Joe Hunter says the Developer is not making any money. I feel sorry for him. Fees are now $3400 for a couple plus 7% tax for a total of $3638.00 A single golfer pays $2900.00 plus 7% tax for a total of $3103.00. Be prepared to dig in deeper in your pocketbook to support the developer, he needs it.
Since you go north in the summer, why not just buy a 6 months season ticket for half price. Guess again, take only $500.00 off yearly rate. There are approx 500 members playing golf. Add it up $1,700,000.00 Approx. And he says I'm not making any money. Not only that, you just can't walk in and say can I play golf now, its not going to happen, they want a day to a week notice to play. There is a fool in every crowd.

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