Wednesday, May 14, 2008

If you believe I am Wrong

Please notify me if I made any wrong statements. I wish to be corrected. Show your proof and I will investigate. All statements have two or more people saying the same comment. When this happens the statements get posted.


Anonymous said...

Most all of your statements are incorrect. YOUR facts do not exist. It sounds like you have a personal axe to grind and your blog isn't any benefit to the homeowners in the very lovely community. So, thanks for nothing, Ed King. I certainly will not return to this web site after seeing what it is all about.

Anonymous said...

Please specify which one is incorrect. It seems like you don't yourself Mr anonymous.

Anonymous said...

You ask for "facts" that dispute your comments. Here's one: The COVENANTS are given to you in the sales office when you give a REFUNDABLE deposit. Read them, if you disagree, withdraw your deposit and don't buy in Lake Ashton. They are NOT given to you at closing! Best to check your facts before making statements.

You claim to be objective and speak the truth, yet your comments are as bigoted as the supposed KKK speaker you rail about in a later post.

Your blog is mean spirited, filled with personal animosity and in no way reflects the majority opinion here in Lake Ashton.

I ask why you continue to reside here. And why you feel that it is your duty to pursue your own personal agenda as the one and only solution to what you perceive as 'wrongs'.

Why fuel the East/West arguments. Homeowners all live in Lake Ashton. We all have a vested interest in seeing our community thrive and grow to create a strong, viable and united community to sustain our futures as retirees.

Do you have your home for sale? Do you believe your blog will help you (1) get the highest price possible, and (2) bring in a potential buyer?

Chill, enjoy your retirement, your family and your friends. Our lives are often too short to be spent in anger.

May you feel blessed to have the financial security and well-being to reside here among some pretty nice people.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, not so fast Mr Anonymous - the COVENANTS were NOT given at the time of a 'refundable' deposit when I and many others did so early on. Things 'may' have changed recently (within the last year) so I encourage YOU to check YOUR facts before making such statements.

Oh, and your comment about being '..mean spirited, filled with personal animosity..'; the only mean spirited comments are from you and not Mr King.

Anonymous said...

We received our copy of the covenents when we asked for them during the sales cycle prior to making any deposit, which any INTELLIGENT person would do! We also were told about the MX and the correct tax & CDD info prior to purchasing over 4 years ago. If you did not get these things it is your own fault!! Grow up and admit your mistakes! By the way I agree that this blog is extremely mean spirited and wish Ed King would go jump in the lake.

Anonymous said...

Please, the lake is filled with herbicides thanks to Lake Ashton. He would not drown but die from posion. Lake Ashton sprays this lake every two weeks.