Friday, December 16, 2011


As you well know, Larry Maxwell is the developer of Lake Ashton.  He persuaded the city of Lake Wales to give him money so that he can build homes and have the residents paid for the CDD fee.  Then he sells the lot for 50 or more times the value.  Not only did he get paid from Lake Wales he also got paid by the resident.  This area was nothing but a swamp, not a open field, he bought it cheap.  If you dig up the roads, you will see nothing but mud.  I was there when they did the core drilling along with the late Jeff Salvin.  No one else on the CDD committee was there.  Me and Jeff Salvin saw the mud under the roads.  This was a open and shut case where the developer was at fault.  Jeff loved this community, no one was there to over see the drilling.  Jake the snake or Margo was not there.  No One.  The CDD committee are only concern about getting their $50.00 a meeting.  What a bunch of clowns.  You elected them now deal with them.