Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Keth Steavens

This is one guy you want to watch out for.  When he was president of the CDD, he wanted NO pick up trucks in this community.  He made life here like Hell.  No pick up truck is allow to park in their own driveway.  A few of the residents put their home for sale and got the hell out of here.  How can anyone tell you you can't have a pick up truck in your own driveway.  His wife Margo wanted people to go around to check the height of the grass at people's homes.  If it was too long you will be fined. How dumb can you get?  This guy and his wife doesn't make life easy here at Lake Ashton. 

He drove by my home has I was extending my R V slide out so I could clean the rugs.  This would only take a few minutes.  He holler out you can't do that.  Who in hell does he think he is?  Is he still in charged of Lake Ashton.  My advice to him is go Doe See Doe.