Monday, November 8, 2010

Lake Ashton Residents

The Maintenance Fees in 2002 were only $900 with very few homes, now with over 1,000 homes, over 10 times many homes, the fees are now double $1900. Something is wrong with this picture! Where is all this money going? In someones pocket? The developer is getting a good share of this money, Joe Hunter is getting $139,000 for doing absolute nothing but sending out letters to scare the residents. Trica Adams is getting $95,000 for what? In many communities the residents do what she does for nothing. Yes we are all getting ripped off and now we have all but one in the back pocket of the developer on the CDD. Keep up the good work Jeff, We will all be there to help. And on the HOA, they are all in the back pocket of the developer. This place is now controlled by the developer. I just don't understand how the people can vote the way they did. This means higher expenses and maintenance fees and for the people that voted for these thief's you going to get what you deserve.

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