Monday, November 15, 2010

Dave Ross

Let me set the record straight.

Paul Pontious shouted at me as he was playing golf, while I was playing with my two cats in back of my house. He called me a IDIOTt. Again about a week later, as he drove by the front of my house in his golf cart and shouted IDIOT to me.

I called Joe Hunter and he said call the police. What good will that do.

Again while I was playing billiards, he came into the billiard room and called me a IDIOT in front of 20 players in the room and also said he has $20,000 and he was going to keep it.

On the bulletin board in the billiard room he wrote IDIOT next to my name.

Also in the main office he wrote IDIOT again next to my name on the Learn How to blog sheet.

All this is OK Mr Ross, Right, now the shoe is on the other foot.

Why don't you talk to your good friend Paul about this, HUN!!!!! Send him a letter! The truth hurts don't it. Its OK if he picks on me, but if I pick on him, its a different story hun? How many free dinners have you had with Bingo Paul? Answer this one Dave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MR KING.... Looks like you hit a nerve with Dave OBAMA....opps Dave Ross.... Same thought patterns.

He will get his chance in court as well......

Hang Tough....U are not alone...

Truth wins out in the end .............ALWAYS...

Attorney WL....