Sunday, November 14, 2010

Paul Pontious

For the rest of the year at Bingo, there were undercover agents playing Bingo. This case involves over $250,000, yes, over a quarter of a million dollars that was stolen and he never paid taxes on none of it. There are a large number of agents working on this case and a large number of people will be involved. This case was given to one Bingo inspector but it was just to hot to handle so he gave it to a team of investigators and they wanted to know who some of the players were. There will be a number of indictments. We have the forensic report with all names involved.

There was a case where a father and son was arrested for stealing money from Bingo, they are now out on a $50,000 bond awaiting their trial. This case is much bigger and more involved.

I personally will not say who else is involved in this Bingo Scam, just ask Paul. I remember what June Young said that this Blog is a bunch of crap. All I have to say is so is yours. Time will prove my point.

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