Monday, April 27, 2009

Bill would shield banks from cost of maintaining homes in foreclosure

April 27, 2009

Dear Governor Charlie Crist, Dear Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp, Dear Senators and State Representatives,

Who likes to clean up the mess he/she created? Clearly not Florida's bankers who are trying to push a bill that would shield them from the cost of maintaining homes in foreclosure. See today's article in the Sun Sentinel:
But the solution to this big problem is actually very simple: The banks pay back the stimulus money they received -- money they shouldn't have gotten in the first place!
This stimulus money is then distributed to cities, counties, homeowners' associations and condo associations. These entities will then take care of maintaining the homes and properties in foreclosure.
Problem solved -- and the banks don't have to worry about being responsible for maintaining homes in foreclosure!
This solution would sure help all parties involved!
Warm Regards, Jan Bergemann, President

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